Author Topic: Help decide what the next scenario should be  (Read 8510 times)

Offline KCDitto

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #45 on: February 22, 2016, 09:18:30 PM »
After many cries by the GV crowd about a scenario for them, the CMs finally ran one and none of the guys who wanted it showed up.


But I still had a blast on that one    :D
Ditto  "WHITE 11" JG 11
Battle of Britain Scenario

Offline Shooter503

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #46 on: February 22, 2016, 10:09:36 PM »
Well if your going to do the gv thing wouldn't that be a tank assault with CAS aircraft and the opponents trying to stop the land assault, :cool: You could have the germans sweeping into Belgium France  With a squad for air superiority and every one else in CAS aircraft to simulate the air support of the Blitzkrieg. Germany..Or go late war with the Russian CAS assault into Germany. :headscratch:


JG11 Sonderstaffel "White 11" 2008-2011
412th  FNVG 2017-

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #47 on: February 22, 2016, 10:28:23 PM »
Ditto is correct.

Over the years, we have tried our best to get dedicated GV'ers to participate.  It turned out that very few dedicated GV'ers attend scenarios, regardless of what you do.

Offline SuBWaYCH

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #48 on: February 22, 2016, 10:41:54 PM »
I'm in favor of either a MW/LW eastern front showdown (maybe finland/germany vs USSR to get the finns interested!) or a Philippines campaign! Carriers are always fun and people like the LW carrier based aircraft.
Axis C.O. for Battle of the Dnieper, Winter '43

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #49 on: February 23, 2016, 10:04:46 AM »
A and D, please.

By Frame 4 of Southern Conquest, I was bracketed by Wife Ack and no amount of $$$...$...$$...$...$$$ was going to save me.

Easier to get in one EPIC Saturday.

George "Ratsy" Preddy
328th FS - 352nd FG
Died December 25th, 1944, Near Liege - Ardennes

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #50 on: February 23, 2016, 10:59:12 AM »

 I was bracketed by Wife Ack and no amount of $$$...$...$$...$...$$$ was going to save me.

Easier to get in one EPIC Saturday.


That's why we need an EPIC 12 HOUR BATTLE OF BRITAIN

One can only imagine how much participation an event of this caliber would garner....

All our friends across the pond would be here for sure...

Target for Today would be but a passing memory...

But when you mention.... Adlerangriff....The Epic 12 Hour Battle of Britain...players would be like "Yeah that was the best scenario ever!!!!  Nonstop action for 12 hours, swarms of 109s screaming in on unsuspecting Spitfires.  The whole of the British mainland was nothing but a smoking hole, with pieces of Hurricanes and Spitfires strewn about the countryside..."

So my friends...Vote YES for the 12 Hour Battle of'll be glad you did...

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #51 on: February 23, 2016, 04:08:53 PM »
I'd love to see a Kursk scenario.  Massive concentrated air/land battle . OR perhaps a jump around time periods and theaters hodgepodge kind of scenario. 

Offline Bruv119

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #52 on: February 23, 2016, 04:31:01 PM »
But when you mention.... Adlerangriff....The Epic 12 Hour Battle of Britain...players would be like "Yeah that was the best scenario ever!!!!  Nonstop action for 12 hours, swarms of 109s diving on suspecting Spitfires that reverse them and put them in the channel.

So my friends...Vote YES for the 12 Hour Battle of'll be glad you did...

The Few ***

Offline Lusche

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #53 on: February 23, 2016, 05:57:22 PM »
Interest is down and I feel design and structure needs to be new and different.

Apologies for jumping in for a hijack at this point ...

Actually interest is not really down... while this last scenario had some very low attendance in absolute numbers, the relative mobilization was quite average this time. There had been many scenarios with a smaller part of the AH population taking part in the past.
It's just that 4% participation now ain't as much as 4% participation back in the day when you had three times as many players.  I think the Special Events CM team is facing a tremendous challenge these days.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 06:03:54 PM by Lusche »
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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #54 on: February 23, 2016, 06:07:10 PM »
It's just that 4% participation now ain't as much as 4% participation back in the day when you had three times as many players.

That is what I was referring to although I know of a few players that keep their account active for scenarios.

Lusche, as I said before, the CMs need to keep interest alive to keep interest (and AH) alive. It is a huge burden that hopefully will be easier with the new release.
80th "Headhunters"
Retired AH Trainer (but still teach the P38 selectively)

I found an air leak in my inflatable sheep and plugged the hole! Honest!

Offline Brooke

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #55 on: February 23, 2016, 06:34:30 PM »
By the way, folks, there is only one main solution to what you are discussing.  It's not a new version of the game or a special format of battle or special variability event to event.

It is . . .

Players recruiting other players into scenarios.

That is the magical solution.

If you truly want to do something to increase participation, that's the thing to do.

Offline Brooke

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #56 on: February 23, 2016, 06:54:49 PM »
I work on recruiting players for every scenario.  I post things in the boards.  I talk it up in the Main Arenas when I'm there.  I get some players that way.

I also recruit brand-new players -- co-workers, my Dad, and people I meet if in conversation I find out that they like WWII history or airplanes.  I'm only one person, but half my bomber group in Southern Conquest are such people.  The latest guy, a friend's brother, flew in AH for the first time in frame 1 of Southern Conquest after I spent an hour or two getting him up to speed in the game.  He loved it.  He will now be a scenario player.

We will not reliably increase participation by trying to think of ever new ways to have historical airplane battles, which are after all fixed in history.  All you do with ever increasing attempts at novelty is slightly to delay the departure of players who are half out the door anyway.  You can't fix someone's lack of enthusiasm -- that is mostly an internal timeline.  There aren't many people who have stayed in the game forever.  I can think of only two who started in the late 1980's and are still active today -- me and 715 -- but over the 28 years I've been flying on-line, I've interacted with hundreds of guys who start, reach a burning peak of enthusiasm, then enter a declining period, and eventually drift off, not because of anything in the game, but because that is for most people an inevitable internal process.

However --

Get a new player into scenarios, and to him, it is all new, and he is fresh blood, we hope with enthusiasm, not a dried out husk who will be gone soon no matter what you do.

Recruit, recruit, recruit.

That is where it is at.

And along the way, we will make great scenarios that we love -- always aiming for the +5 "absolutely loved it" rating!  :aok

Offline Brooke

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #57 on: February 23, 2016, 07:06:13 PM »
Also, to echo Lusche's comment, when I was announcing for people to join us for frame 4, we had about 70 people and the MA had about 180 -- we had about 50% of the MA total.  In past scenarios where you remember us having 200 in the scenario, the MA was 600 players.

Thus, we are actually doing well by historical standards on percent participation.

Also, we can make very fun, completely historical scenarios geared toward nearly any number of people.  A lot of the historical battles you read about from pilots' perspectives were not 100 friendlies mixing it up with 100 enemies all in proximity.  A lot of what individual pilots experienced were smaller engagements than that.

So fear not, and continue to recruit, recruit, recruit.  :aok

Offline Nefarious

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #58 on: February 24, 2016, 07:54:16 AM »
This is a great thread, lots of great discussion.

I would love to write and host another 12 Hour scenario. I really am pleased to see such good feedback on it here and the other thread.

Let's see when AH3 finishes up and what special event terrains can be built initially and we will go from there. <S>
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!

Offline Delirium

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #59 on: February 24, 2016, 11:28:32 AM »
I forgot to add that it would be really great if the drones are stable enough to be available in AH3 are available to perform non-combat roles in the air (maybe tank drivers too) during scenarios. It may be even possible to run Kursk with as few as 40 players and have a completely immersive experience!
80th "Headhunters"
Retired AH Trainer (but still teach the P38 selectively)

I found an air leak in my inflatable sheep and plugged the hole! Honest!