Why is the download 0.343 Meg Per Second? Going to take 48 minutes to download 
could be a number of reasons why....
When I started my DL, I was showing 3.82 MBps ( not Mbps ), then my daughter and 2 niece's showed up...all logged into my wifi, then they turned the TV on in the Den and started Streaming amazon Prime movies, while Dad was already watching Netflix in his bedroom and Mom gaming on her computer at the other end of the house.....
once that Amazon Prime streaming kicked in, and the girls messing with their iPads , tablets and phones...... my download speed slowed all the way down to around 700 kbps
plus there also could be a lot of people trying to download at the same time, not to mention all the re routing because of the flooding in certain areas etc.... then you have all that election overload using up bandwidth as well....
hope this helps