53 base takes in 48 hours....
Back when I was running 3 sets of buffs I used to team up with guys and move lots O mud in a short amount of time. A lot of these bases were defended, some were not. Essentialy you use 1 set for WF deack and 2 sets to shut down logistics for defenders either porking ords, hanger shutdown, vh resup shutdown, ect. When you invest the right amount of time using multi-sets your basically unstoppable. Overwhelming the enemy with blitzkrieg style attacks at multiple locations opens a lot of doors when defenders are scrambling with little coordination. You just start a big fight at critical bases and work surrounding bases under the cover of darkness while most players are diatracted with full dar bars. Each situation required a different approach based on how much defense there was, how easy it was to resup, ect. In over half the cases a simple wf/deack sneak the troops worked even with defenders. Using mutliple sets also opened the door for attacking 2-3 bases at once spreading oit defenders. Sometimes all this worked, most of the time you get bogged down or something went wrong. On this 2 day run it was the epitome of all my years playing with excellent teamwork that lead to 2 map resets and a few angry pms
Reckon had I been more disciplined with my mouth and not a raging alcoholic at times could have pulled more assistance then what I would get over the years. You live and learn i guess...
<S> Finetime