Author Topic: Who Loves ENY?  (Read 21892 times)

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #330 on: January 25, 2017, 11:37:58 AM »
Traitor?  :rofl

well that is the way THEY look at it isnt it?

Local ENY would result in something akin to making ENY only affected by planes in flight: a horde would up all at once to circumvent the ENY restriction.  Just make a mission or missions with simultaneous departure times. 

well as ENY figured by those in the tower as well as those in the air, why couldn't localized ENY be figure that way too?

Offline caldera

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #331 on: January 25, 2017, 11:40:36 AM »

well that is the way THEY look at it isnt it?

well as ENY figured by those in the tower as well as those in the air, why couldn't localized ENY be figure that way too?

How would that be done?  Have a semi-permeable membrane that only lets so many 5 ENY planes cross a sector line?
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Offline popeye

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #332 on: January 25, 2017, 12:03:44 PM »
As I fly with Rooks, ENY is not an issue for me, but I have suggested before:

Instead of ENY, make relative numbers affect downtimes.

Bish 70, Knit 50, Rook 30.

Bish kills Knit ack; downtime = 30 min * ( 50/70 ) = 21.4 min.
Bish kills Rook ack; downtime = 30 min * ( 30/70 ) = 12.9 min.
Rook kills Bish ack; downtime = 30 min (maximum).

This mitigates a numbers imbalance without depriving anyone of their favorite ride.
It is transparent to players, no need to check ENY to see what plane to use.
It is scales with numbers in real time, rather than having arbitrary unchanging ENY values assigned to each plane, and can have fixed maximum and minimum values (which can be adjusted with experience).  Also, it is a "gameplay" fix for a "gameplay" issue; there are no "realistic" values to argue about.
It still provides a role for Strat killers to extend the basic downtime.

It can be easily made "local" by affecting the downtime according to numbers in a sector, or within a radar circle, etc.  If a horde attacks a lightly defended field, downtimes for that field are minimized regardless of overall arena numbers.

I'm sure this could be "gamed", but it might not upset people the way ENY seems to.

My two cents....

« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 12:21:12 PM by popeye »

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Offline JunkyII

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #333 on: January 25, 2017, 12:40:40 PM »
You had no eny penalty and were getting more points, no I don't see the issue. Your new problem seems to be hordes.
No the problem is that one country was getting jumped by 2 even though it wasn't the one with numbers...What should have been happening is the country with the same as both the others combined should have been getting hit by both...But unfortunately on Uterus Map the Eastern front is always the most stale because of the distances between the bases or some other reason.

So ENY wasn't working...because the team getting hit by two sides was fighting against 3 to 1 odds with a third of the fighters attacking them being low ENY planes...while they weren't getting any reward for fighting against those odds other then 2 out of 3 being in 20+ ENY planes.....

I would have changed from rooks to bish immediately if  I would have known it was that lopsided of a fight....but people on 200 wouldn't advise of the numbers so I went to the low side thinking they were probably getting hit the hardest which was not true and really is unpredictable....which is why 1 hour rule would help...but stubbornness won't let that come back...which is hilarious
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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #334 on: January 25, 2017, 03:07:58 PM »
The battlefront bish vs rooks are normally different from knights vs rooks or bish vs knights, at some maps.
If they fly 8 sectors, extra, well, maybe they can have a lower ENY plane, most won't be flying that far to get one.

How would that be done?  Have a semi-permeable membrane that only lets so many 5 ENY planes cross a sector line?
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #335 on: January 25, 2017, 03:27:37 PM »
How would that be done?  Have a semi-permeable membrane that only lets so many 5 ENY planes cross a sector line?

Have code to figure the front line bases (who owns what), compare numbers of players in tower and air for that sector on each side ( or two sectors deep). Create ENY restrictions for the front, for those bases. If you want to up 3 sectors back in a low ENY plane you'll have all that time flying to the fight to think if that was wise.

Like I said, the coding may be a nightmare, but I don't see why it couldn't be done. ANYTHING can be done as long as you can figure out the code for it.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #336 on: January 25, 2017, 03:30:20 PM »
Code being hard or easy is not the question.

The question is how to convince hitech.  Otherwise you still being a dead horse.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Wiley

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #337 on: January 25, 2017, 04:11:43 PM »
Have code to figure the front line bases (who owns what), compare numbers of players in tower and air for that sector on each side ( or two sectors deep). Create ENY restrictions for the front, for those bases. If you want to up 3 sectors back in a low ENY plane you'll have all that time flying to the fight to think if that was wise.

Like I said, the coding may be a nightmare, but I don't see why it couldn't be done. ANYTHING can be done as long as you can figure out the code for it.

The code's not even the tricky part, the logic of what you want to do is.

Just looking at the above, the rules would need to be map specific.  What about bases that are in corners of sectors?  How do different field spacings affect this?  Etc etc.

Also, suppose it does alter player behavior.  Now instead of people rolling a higher ENY plane from the nearest field and coming in low, they're coming in high from the next field over in 5 ENY planes.  How does that materially improve the defending side's situation?  How often does a 262 launch from the next base over vs a base or two away?  Range is often one of the lower ENY planes' strong suits.

I've haven't seen a description of zone ENY that was even remotely close to detailed enough to discuss since I've been here.  It is always "somehow".

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline popeye

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #338 on: January 26, 2017, 08:03:06 AM »
The code's not even the tricky part, the logic of what you want to do is.

Just looking at the above, the rules would need to be map specific.  What about bases that are in corners of sectors?  How do different field spacings affect this?  Etc etc.

Also, suppose it does alter player behavior.  Now instead of people rolling a higher ENY plane from the nearest field and coming in low, they're coming in high from the next field over in 5 ENY planes.  How does that materially improve the defending side's situation?  How often does a 262 launch from the next base over vs a base or two away?  Range is often one of the lower ENY planes' strong suits.

I've haven't seen a description of zone ENY that was even remotely close to detailed enough to discuss since I've been here.  It is always "somehow".


This is why having numbers affect downtime can be a simpler solution.  The "local area" (to be defined) numbers can be computed at the moment a field object is destroyed.  So, 10 attackers and 3 defenders in the "local area" at the moment the ack is killed:  downtime is 30% of the nominal value.  A couple of attackers RTB or get killed, now it is 8 v 3 when the radar is killed:  downtime is 38% of the nominal value.

Doesn't matter when or how far away the attackers launched, or how many on either side are sitting in the tower.

I'm sure it could be gamed, but at least no one is deprived of their favorite ride.


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Offline gflyer

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #339 on: January 26, 2017, 08:36:24 AM »
Maybe Hitech can implement a premium account, say 30 dollars a month and you are not affected by ENY. 

Offline mutha

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #340 on: January 26, 2017, 09:16:35 AM »
If there's any indicator that ENY might be a problem, it's that it seems to be endlessly debatable.


Offline whiteman

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #341 on: January 26, 2017, 10:34:08 AM »
No the problem is that one country was getting jumped by 2 even though it wasn't the one with numbers...What should have been happening is the country with the same as both the others combined should have been getting hit by both...But unfortunately on Uterus Map the Eastern front is always the most stale because of the distances between the bases or some other reason.

So ENY wasn't working...because the team getting hit by two sides was fighting against 3 to 1 odds with a third of the fighters attacking them being low ENY planes...while they weren't getting any reward for fighting against those odds other then 2 out of 3 being in 20+ ENY planes.....

I would have changed from rooks to bish immediately if  I would have known it was that lopsided of a fight....but people on 200 wouldn't advise of the numbers so I went to the low side thinking they were probably getting hit the hardest which was not true and really is unpredictable....which is why 1 hour rule would help...but stubbornness won't let that come back...which is hilarious

You're asking for a perfect utopian dream where everyone equals out and attacks as gentlemen. I can't feel sorry for the bish in that situation. Ive been back two months, the rooks are constantly backed up to their last bases with bish owning 20+ perecent regularly. On top of that the numbers are so unbalanced it doesn't seem to matter as the rooks can't gain any of that ground back. I'm going to guess the bish resets that map like they did at least twice on the weekend.

So again I say eny did its job, it's not made to stop the players from on either side of it from all attacking one base.

Offline bustr

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #342 on: January 26, 2017, 11:22:38 AM »
The basic combat front in the game is roughly the fight inside of a 2x2 sector area. Two sectors is about the maximum amount of time and attention span a none strat raid group is willing to put into traveling anywhere. Single players in bombers or a fighter are outliers and not relevant. Samples of population density per a super grid defined by 2x2 sector chunks could be targeted. Then a secondary function to track if half of two adjacent 2x2 have morphed into a 2x2 combat front. ENY could then be applied inside of the sample area.

You would end up with most furballs of any size flying EW-MW planes while greifers would know to up from outside of the 2x2 and pick everyone in late war rides. Upping outside of the 2x2 to fly back in with numbers turns the game into one long boring fly to the fight game to avoid localized ENY. Hitech would still get beaten up over his choice of numbers to trigger the localized ENY just as he is for the current global ENY.

Localized ENY types of penalties, variable down times by localized population, all work in two country war games. When you throw in more countries, punishments designed to even population numbers have more effect as a global function. Unless one of the countries decides to go on a walk out over the whole issue.

Are the rook squads protesting ENY with a walkout or, what is being, or was done to the rook players when they were at a competitive population size a few months back that has so demoralized them? An organized walk out was guaranteed to cause this much vitriol in the forums against Hitech. Casual visitors of this BBS looking to see if AH3 is worth trying out, would walk away and never return after reading all of this fake bad press about how bad Hitech is with his customer support.

Gotta wonder how you guys are helping this game get back to 400 player nights in the MA.....   
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Vraciu

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Re: For the love of all that is holy, please KILL ENY!
« Reply #343 on: January 26, 2017, 08:15:02 PM »
Such is human nature, and I have seen this happen more then I can begin to count.

It goes something like this, player is not having as much fun as they used to (in reality nothing has changed with how the game works). Player starts looking for reasons that the game must be making them not having as much fun as they used to. They find something and state it is the reason they are happy. Strange thing is you change it and they still are not having fun.


Completely disagree.

The ENY monster has NEVER been this big a PITA.   In the past it was an  occasional thing.   It is now happening on a constant basis even during off peak times.

You said you tweaked it so I will give it a shot and compare, but it is not some excuse to complain.
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Offline Vraciu

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #344 on: January 26, 2017, 08:16:45 PM »
Jeez. so fly rook. They NEVER have ENY nowadays. If it's that big a deal, get the squad to fly rook: rooks need all the help they can get nowadays.
Some people whine just to whine.

Normally I *AM* Rook.

Usually that's my response as well.

Lately I have switched sides and left my squadron where they are.   May the accusations of spying begin!   :old:

Woopsie...   When you assume...
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