I see your point Thor,
Sadly, most of the planes in these sims don`t perform like they did in RL.

Notice how he said that you had to ADD power in the Jug to get out of a dive. But since he was "balls to the wall" that was not an option. So his only option at that point was to use the elevator trim and it took him 10k to recover. (damn, that would be scary)
What he also said in his letter that I did not post was he flew the P51, P40 and Spit. He stated that in those planes you could decrease power and recover from a full speed dive, but the P47 was the only one he flew where it did not work and the plane would just tuck under on you if you tried.
Out of all of them the P47 was his favorite.

He talks alot about how beautiful it flew, very stable. He hated the P51 because you had to trim the aircraft allmost constantly.
Here it is, found it:
"In fact, you could change airspeed 25 or
30 mph with the Jug & not be straining on the controls & without retrimming
the airplane. The 51 had a manifold pressure boost & once you set the power
with the throttle, you didn`t have to keep advancing the throttle when
climbing, etc. like we had to do with the Jug. However, the flapper in the
belly scoop on the 51 would change the trim on the airplane as it changed
position automatically to do the cooling. You had to fly with your left hand
on the trim tabs on the 51 about all the time. Any 25 or 30 mph airspeed
change was extremely hard to hold manually."
Anyways, great thread, hope I was able to help out.
Mavric ~ X.O.
WB 325th FG