Just some updates...
I did find that in heavy traffic I was getting FR decreases after the board discussion on Memory speeds I looked what my machine was running at. Even though I had 32 Gig of DDR4 2400 @16 CASL, the base speed was 1200 Mhz. I used the Mobo UEFI to test clock speed increases and the highest I could get it was 2133Mhz.
This make a huge improvement in frame rate in high traffic, and with frame rate drops/stutters over towns and other building intense areas.
Next I tried 16Gig off DDR4 3200 @ 14 CASL. This could achieve a clock speed of 2400Mhz. This set up seems no different than the above.
The Ryzen set is set for a constant 3.85GHz and is liquid cooled running at an indicated 58-63c.
With this setup I am achieve 60 FR (vsynched) with the following Video settings....
Max Texture size 4060
Anti-aliasing X12 Edge Detect [using the ATI Gaming settings]
Object detail Slider = MAX
Terrain Detail Slider = MAX
Tree Detail Slider = 50%
Ground Range = MAX (3 Miles)
Environment slider = None.
Other Plane Skins
Enabled Shadows
DisabledGround Clutter in Flight
DisabledBump Mapping
Enabled Post lighting All
EnabledStill can;t run shadows because that's a loss of 30 Frames/sec. I can run all sides in the environment map for the reflections but I lose 12Fr/sec and run 48Fr/sec which doesn't look smooth enough to me. I can run 2 sides at 60Fr/sec but the reflected view stutters and it doesn't look right.
There are still stutters that are usually caused by objects caching. It seems as new planes. smoke, buildings or building damage come in and out of field [only when the count is high] there is a momentary freeze while an object caches.
the Vid mem is showing 900-1100K of use, but my card has 2Gig of RAM so the mem size seems fine.
So now I'm wondering what the current cork in the bottle is. My memory clock speed on vid card is only 1Gig. But I'm wondering if this is still a system memory speed issue.
I'll keep fiddling.