Here is a video of my box running AHIII using MSI RivaTuner OSD to show my vid card & CPU core vitals.
Intel I7 5820K 6-core CPU w\ HT\CEIST disabled (using the 6 physical CPU cores only & CPU power saving disabled so CPU will run all cores at the max TurboBoost speeds of 3.7 GHz on Corsair Vengence LPX 16Gb DDR4 3000 CL15 4x4Gb mem kit using SPD of 15-17-17-35-2T timings).
Win 7 HP SP1 OS using CMD created shortcut for AHIII so AHIII is run w\ high CPU priority set on 4 CPU cores set by CPU affinity exclusively for AHIII (AHIII will be using CPU cores 3-4-5-6 exclusively, everything else will be using CPU cores 1-2). Res is set @ 2560x1440x32 w\ RR set @ 90 Hz (V-synch enabled in-game) using FreeSynch.............
Win 7 will have 78-80 processes running in the background as well as AHIII so all will be running on this Intel I7 5820K's 6 CPU cores only..........
This is a demonstration of all the postings that I have posted concerning the advantages of using CPU priority\CPU affinity on a multi-core CPU that has more than 4 physical CPU cores. Please note the GPU framtimes (ms numbers after the GPU FPS) and how steady they track............
This is proof positive of a GPU not having to wait on any data feed for it to run (also positive of very smooth video operation while gaming) then note the CPU usage....................
I'll do another 1 when I'm on & there are more players on to really tax the system for a comparison...................