Author Topic: Tank Weaknesses  (Read 1265 times)

Offline Electroman

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Tank Weaknesses
« on: March 02, 2017, 11:30:27 AM »
Hi All,

Last night was somewhat frustrating as we were attempting to take a base. I came up behind a well known player who was guarding the map room in a T-34. I was also in a T-34 and drove up about 50 feet behind him and hit him in the turret with AP. He took no damage, turned around and 1 shot killed me at the same distance.

While I was just a little more than frustrated I am trying to understand the weakness of various tanks and how I can improve my chances and reduce my frustration especially in situations like this. I know the Tiger is best hit from behind but not sure about other tanks. Seems the most common ones are T-34's, M4, M8, Panzers that I see out there.

Appreciate any hints & tips on this.


Offline Chris79

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Re: Tank Weaknesses
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2017, 12:39:59 PM »
It is what it is. I have shot another person using the same tank as I in the rear to no affect, only to get one killed in the front and vise versa.


Offline Electroman

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Re: Tank Weaknesses
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2017, 01:26:55 PM »
It is what it is. I have shot another person using the same tank as I in the rear to no affect, only to get one killed in the front and vise versa.

No offense...but I don't think that is exactly a fair answer. The damage model should be consistent, and the weaknesses the same I would suspect on the same model of a tank. There are a few key players in the game that always seem to get 1 hit kills consistently while others in the game like myself can hit players 4 - 6 times if we're lucky to get that many rounds off and still sometimes never kill them.

Offline redcatcherb412

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Re: Tank Weaknesses
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2017, 01:54:18 PM »
So many angles, slopes, thicknesses in armor. You can try to hit a tank in a weak spot, but just a few inches difference between shots in the slope of say a t34 turret may cause your hit to ricochet. Shooting from 50ft or 3000 yards 1 shot kills aren't always possible.  You can swear you're hitting the same place over and over, but you aren't.  Only a film will tell you after you compare it to the GV armor stats in the hangar.
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Offline SPKmes

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Re: Tank Weaknesses
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2017, 02:03:03 PM »
This is from a thread many moons ago from Belial...he did have a thread with pictures but the pictures have gone..but this was a write up he did prior.

 For starters when you are zoomed in on a target and have your sites where you think the bullet will hit the bad guy, put your cursor on that distance line as a reference.  This will give you a basis for aiming up or down and save time.

2nd depending on what type of tank you are shooting at there are "kill zones" To kill a Tiger-shoot for the turret where it meets the body in a frontal attack, and in the same spot at bottom of turret for a side attack.  For the t34-85 as well as the t34-76-in a frontal attack aim for the bottom of the frontal armor, I like to call it a chin shot, and in attack on the side of t34's try to aim from the center of the tracks to 3/4 up the tracks.  When fighting a m4-firefly-an m4 may seem very intimidating which they are with that big gun, but go for that same kind of "chin shot" i mentioned earlier bottom of front armor and you will get a 1shot kill.  When fighting a Panzer, almost anyplace on a panzer when hit will result in a kill, but you may get a ricochet off of some points in the armor, I aim for the turret.

3rd Whenever possible try to shoot on level ground, shooting crooked may result in missing an easy shot that would have otherwise saved your life.

4th Whenever possible find some sort of dirt mound to park behind, the less of your tank you expose the harder it will be for them to hit you, and also if you park diagonal behind a hill in for example a sherman, most rounds that do hit you will ricochet off of your turret.

5th If your find yourself severely outnumbered supplies can be a lifesaver, a t34-85 parked behind a hill with only the turret exposed is impossible to die in.  The turret on a t34-85 is indestructible, and you will have 8 extra chances at surviving with supplies around.

6th If you find yourself wanting to spawn into a field and discover somebody has it camped, spawn in a perkless ride like a panzer and dont try to shoot first sortie, get into your pintle gun and scan for enemies before starting your engine.  Wait for the camper to fire a round and kill you, "important" make a mental note of where the round came from, now it is your turn.  You spawn in a t34-85 "which has the faster turret in the game" and spin that turret around to where they were sitting, now when they appear blast them and wait for the "you cheated accusations" lol.

7th  If you wish to take out the beast the Tiger, which it is when used properly.  Ask someone if they would mind setting out supplys for you before upping, if no one will run some out yourself before upping the Tiger.  It is important to put the supplys in a spot at least 2,500 yards from the tanks you will be shooting.  I recommend a hilltop, but never park with your Tiger facing downhill, as its turret is very weak, and this exposes you to shots on top of your turret.  At a range of over 2,500 yards, only truly skilled tank drivers will be able to kill you with supplies around.  So have fun putting a Tiger to good use, which isnt often done in Aces High.

If you go into your main gun and zoom all the way in, you can press F-8 and then use your number pad on the right of your keyboard to move the sights up and down.  What does this mean? That if your use to how the Shermans sights look, you can make your panzer sights match up with how the Shermans appear.  This works well with Panzer, Tiger, and T34-76 models.  The deault sight in the Sherman is showing all of the aim references, I align my sights even with 3,200 in the Panzer  salute  (ALWAYS park in neutral if your engine is off when firing or you will rock back and forth.unless your running your engine then it doesnt matter)

Thought of another GV tip:  Ok on certain maps you will find yourself shooting down on someone and you will most likely be shooting crooked.  The trick to hitting someone when shooting crooked is to put your mouse cursor where your last shell hit.
Say you see a tank and you take a shot at it, put your cursor where that shell lands.  Next put your cursor on the tank without moving it, fire again and if you miss put your cursor where this shell lands.  By this point you are within a few inches of the kill just adjust accordingly without moving your cursor.

Tip for shooting over small hills:::::
Position your tank so you can only see over hill with pintle gun..... Line your barrel up with pintle gun.... Now fire....Switch back to pintle gun real quick...once u see where your bullet lands you can sight with curser

And Finally always park with the front corner of your tank toward the enemy as it adds extra angles into where there rounds will hit you....thus causing ricochets.

Offline Electroman

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Re: Tank Weaknesses
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2017, 02:16:15 PM »
Thanks SPKmes! This is helpful and I'll have to give a few of these a try! Appreciate it.

A good place to try out things might be tonight in the AvA Tank battle as well :)


Offline waystin2

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Re: Tank Weaknesses
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2017, 02:20:14 PM »
So many angles, slopes, thicknesses in armor. You can try to hit a tank in a weak spot, but just a few inches difference between shots in the slope of say a t34 turret may cause your hit to ricochet. Shooting from 50ft or 3000 yards 1 shot kills aren't always possible.  You can swear you're hitting the same place over and over, but you aren't.  Only a film will tell you after you compare it to the GV armor stats in the hangar.
Truth. An inch up or down can make all the difference between a penetrating shot or a non-lethal hit.  This goes for most armored vehicles. 

Waiting for JunkyII's story about how Tigers own LVT4's.   :D
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Offline haggerty

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Re: Tank Weaknesses
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2017, 03:01:11 PM »
Aim for flat parts, angled armor increases chance for richochet.  A solid hit sprite is almost always a kill or gun kill.
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Tank Weaknesses
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2017, 04:10:02 PM »
In the hanger, right click on the tank in question and select armor. They have a nice little chart showing what kind of penetration you can expect at what ranges, as well as the thickness of the armor of different parts.

Angle is very much important, not only trying to minimize the angle of the round hitting, angle off is important as well. That is why you see some tanks park a few degree left or right of in coming fire instead of head on.

Aim is not just point and shoot. The part where the turret and the body meet is a good place to hit, but you have to HIT it, you cant just be close. A good GVer practices.... and dies... a lot, but they also come with a bit of luck sometimes.

Offline WEZEL

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Re: Tank Weaknesses
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2017, 06:28:08 PM »
I found the closer you are to the target the more a missed kill happens, aim lower at close range most of the time you dont set you range to 0. one more thing put a round up the tail pipe next time.    :bolt:

Offline FBKampfer

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Re: Tank Weaknesses
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2017, 06:40:20 PM »
I've come to be under the impression that pass through shots are modeled in the game. I suspect you were using HVAP, and it's likely it just blew clean through the turret without hitting anything critical.
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Offline Randy1

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Re: Tank Weaknesses
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2017, 10:11:59 AM »
I find killing any tank at very close range is harder than at a distance. 

IN AH2 the muzzle flash did not cover up the hit like it does in AH3.  Not a complaint since we all have to live with the problem.

Their are some master shooters out there in GV land like Charger 5.  I just do not spend enough time practicing which is why I miss too many first shots.  My bad.

Offline scott66

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Re: Tank Weaknesses
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2017, 10:42:33 AM »
How do I protect my tank from a 500lbs bomb that's what I want to know.. Everytime I get the perfect tank in the perfect spot ... Kills adding up.. Great GV action I hear whistling... Then boom in tower
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Tank Weaknesses
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2017, 01:30:52 PM »
I would like to know which tanks shoot through trees. I get hit through trees but can never fire through them.
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Offline Zoney

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Re: Tank Weaknesses
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2017, 01:32:41 PM »
All tanks shoot through trees. 

No tanks shoot through "a" tree.
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