Who is zack?
A purveyor of pies, mostly steaming... a denouncer of all thing "colonial", the vitriol drips off of the word, sneering quotes mine...
He once likened my avatar, the beloved family crest, to a squashed cat, while outing me as a "dog-fettler". You can usually spot him by his silk cravat and a faint but distinct whiff of bay rum and pipe.
But, be careful. He is rumored to have killed a man/men and has been known to take a turn or two on the wife and boy.
If you approach him, be sure to not mark yourself as a bluuudy soootherner - word to the wise - consider leaving the Freelander at home, since it is a sure giveaway that you spend more time at the mall than off-road.
That is Zack, and forewarned is forearmed.