hmmm back to gunnery practice for me then... cause the .50 cals to me seem week-sauce. Must be just me.
I get what you're saying. I think (maybe) that instead of substitute, that limiting the P-51 use would be more appropriate. The P-51Bs still blow the G-14 we have out of the water with regards to overall speed and high alt performance. Especially with bombers in use, the balance will have to give the German side more fighters to devote to attack and more to dogfighting. Maybe option A would be best in this case -- with P-51Bs being limited in numbers. That aside, I have another soapbox item: the P-47 loadouts should disable the "overload" ammo loadout. This was never used in combat that anybody can satisfactorily prove, doesn't approach even the remote realm of reality with regards to flight loads and limitations that are documented in myriad dozens of places. I did some fairly extensive research taking dozens of official AARs counting bullets expended, every reference to ammo count in every published report and even using estimated or ballasted weights did the math to find how much ammo it was accounting for. None of it came close to the overload option we have in this game. Even with 8 guns, the P-47s over Europe did so with 267-ish rounds per gun. Look at it this way: What if the game had an option for 200 rounds of 30mm on the Bf109s, when historically they only ever used the "normal" load? You'd disable that for scenarios, right? Right.
YES it DID!(Image removed from quote.)Was a very fun and exciting scenario(Image removed from quote.)Going through these old pics (Image removed from quote.)Back when I used to caption them