Last night I realized I had been dragging my feet on this Oceania terrain while I was playing in the Melee arena watching a base capture stall for over 2 hours.
The terrain last night was a 2048x2048 10x10 sector with irregular land masses and irregular ocean areas upgraded from AH2. The bases were setup per the requirements to have an equal number in each country but, this created a need to place some bases in long lines with the nearest alternate bases 1 and slightly more of a sector away. It was good for the old hoard days of 300 player nights to slow down the steam roller. Last night it helped perpetuate a stalled base capture in one corner of the terrain. Coincidentally creating the only real opportunity for a fight for the rooks and boring because it was stalled which helped rooks log off it appears.
I decided that I'm stalled with Oceania as it is even if I have some spectacular mountain ranges no one will ever see. It was excellent practice for me in rapid creation of mountain ranges though. Looking at Oceania the 2048x2048 center of the terrain is undeveloped 500ft elevation land masses and can be clipped directly out of the heightmap file to create an Oceania V2 2048x2048. In the back field areas I will have to massage some land for the HQ\City\Strats, but at this point that is a very simple proposition.
I'm looking at setting down all airfield objects on the islands at the minimum allowed distance of .75 sector versus 1-1.25 sector we see on converted AH2 terrains. And the center triangular island I will duplicate NDisles with the airfields being 12 miles from each other with only a map room on the field. I will do the same in terms of the map room for all other small airfields I place on islands. I have to make a new 1:1 blueprint file to determine base placements and GV spawns.
Here is the area of the 20x20 sector terrain I will use to create the new Oceania smaller terrain. The red square boarder is an 1:1 2048x2048 map area, and the red circle shows the land masses(combat area) will be equal and balanced.
Oceania 4096x4096.
Oceania v2. 2048x2048.