Sorry for the hiatus, I'm getting my INR number straightened out with my Dr. along with my blood P and cholesterol. And now my Dr. went out of network so I have to see a new Dr. Monday.
If you like to eat grain fed meat and drink good beer and wine, eat things with sugar in them, whole fat milk products, uric acid will increase your LDL cholesterol and raise your blood P as much as eating bad fats and sugar will. When you eat bread just think sugar because it's no different to your body once it broken down into glucose. High amounts of uric acid from eating lots of grain fed beef will contribute to weight gain. Doing both, meat and all the other stuff just doubles the fun. Exercise will not save you, only delay the outcome. Diet does but, is not as fun as eating the good stuff that kills you slowly. Food will kill you especially after you get into your 40's and it just gets worse as you age. So that thing about drinking 8 8oz glasses of water a day, it clears out uric acid along with other things.
If you research high blood P and high cholesterol and the causes you will see at least for Americans, food is one of the top three killers of Americans over time because we are PR'd to eat processed food that will kill us. So those un-fun diets full of raw veggies, monounsaturated fats, nuts, no sugar, zero fat yogurt and milk, chicken and fish will save your life. My problem because I'm on a vitamin K inhibitor for blood clots, is any green veggie interferes with my inhibitor drug, so once again food could kill me if I don't keep my INR number in a zone. I'm stuck eating pretty much the same things over and over to not impact that number once my Dr. helps me get it adjusted to my new diet.
Also, new research has shown that sitting at your desk for 4 hours or more everyday will elevate your blood P and cholesterol. I've been avoiding my computer for walking and standing while I'm getting things squared away. You ever watch little kids when they stand still they end up doing little rocking motions in place to keep them selves busy? My wife said I was channeling Elvis the other day.......