So you think rolling from a capped base is smart either?
No, I don't roll from there if the base is capped. Usually, if my goal is to defend that base, I up somewhere else if it's possible. I will up if there are planes over town or if there is a threat of imminent capture.
I'm merely saying that manned guns are on the field for a purpose and it seems the people who are upset that an available asset is being used make no sense. What exactly ARE you posing defenders should do, just hand over the field? Would any of them NOT up a tank if a bunch of tank rolled their base? How would they feel about an opinion that upping a vehicle is nonsense and they should have defended the base "better?"
You use what's available. That's why it's there.
As for the rest, I've had many situations where I was one-shot blasted out of the sky by guns I didn't think should be that kind of accurate. It happens. I usually do go back, only this time I'm a lot more careful to fly in ways that make tracking me more difficult.
I'm not proposing sitting in manned guns all night. What I'm saying is IF people are trying to up, they're getting vulched, I see no problem with trying to use a manned gun to make it a bit harder on the vulchers. If you have 6 vulches under your belt at the time, I have no way to know that and wouldn't care. I'd be happy you didn't get a seventh pelt for the wall.

The same has happened to me when I'm trying to cap a base. I don't worry about it; if I get shot down, I can re-up. If it's score I'm worried about - and I don't - I wouldn't be flying low over a base with manned OR auto guns in the first place.
There was a time when fighter sweep missions used to be quite common. I don't think I've seen one in the last couple months. Nearly every pickup mission I've seen has to do with taking a base or bombing something. With lower numbers, it's hard to find enough people to get a mission like that rolling, so most fights are going to be way out of balance. Not all, just most. In times past, when a group came in to cap a base, it wasn't long until a group upped from a nearby field to come try and clear up the skies. But numbers no longer support that when you consider a side must also contend with incoming GVs and bombers plus hunt for M3s and maybe even bring an M3 for resupp. It's just too much to do spread over a thinned population to have 6 or 10 guys with nothing to do but up and fly a sector to defend.
Maybe if our numbers go back up that will return to being feasible but right now I don't think it is and that's why we don't see much of it.