The gist of this wish is you want Hitech to protect your assets so they will be around for you to use them if you decide to, and while you are in the middle of not defending them. Same as when everyone furballs their little hearts out while an M3 sneaks into the town and takes their furball away from them. Then we get angry posts to nerf the M3, harden the airfield, get rid of manned guns, or make everyone become furballers for the good of the game.
I'm in the final phase of setting up game play on this terrain. Field defense against task groups. I have to work with reality, what Hitech has in place today. So I have to spend time reading many posts looking for insights to how terrains are utilized, not how everyone wishes they could force Hitech to change the game to make them personally happy.
Why an arena with three sides essentially mirrored with an effective wall around the water, no place to hide. Why in the back field of each country a blind spot with water in it, a place to sneak. Why are most airfields 19 miles apart instead of the old standard of 25 miles. So you don't waste your precious time in transit to fight or break things. Why PT spawns at every water front airfield, some airfields are now too close together to place shore batteries that don't let you drop 8in rounds on the ends of runways just across the water. A trade off I cannot do anything about.
BowlMA gave me the opportunity to listen to players talk about their problems with task groups, not read their fantasies here in these forums. Each of the 6 task groups in each country now have a fast track path at the other countries by how I placed the ports. I also put three GV spawns to each port with two 13mile away airfields to defend the ports. They have turned out to be too easy to capture. That leaves strategic weaknesses to be leveraged if you first capture a support field to a port. And at a minimum, every base on a water front has PT spawns. Those that I can get shore batteries onto and not hit other feilds get 2-3, I think the large airfield island will get 4.
I hate shore batteries and PT spawns on this terrain almost as much as I hate creating mountains now. Creating terrains is not as fun much of the time as it is tedious, repetitious, and brain numbing. I have a lot of sympathy for those who started and let it go. Now think about Hitech's position as the lone person who programs every last bit and bite of this. I do and keep plugging on.
So until Hitech changes the game, here is what I'm pulling my hair out over and testing. Hitech thank you so much for that red dot showing exactly where a point is touching land. It has been a game changer in setting this stuff up.
Today's fun and testing, I was worried that backfield blind-spot slot was too narrow for setting a task group path. The touching land error had to do with trying to place the first segment straight up the shore from the CV's starting location. I had to place a short segment NW to clear that point of land just N of the CV. Hitech's new segment graphic helped me trouble shoot my problem. The white rings are 8 mile radius because I've set most airfields 1-2 miles back from the water.