Two things I saw that would enhance the CV experience for both attack and defense in my twisted mind...
1. Auto turn function
2. Harden the CV a bit more so one set of bombers (except the Lanc and B29) is required.
I would add that changing the down time for all fleet ships could be changed to 15 minute down times, period. But if the CV is gone, it re-spawns to port in 15 minutes (not the current 10). But also taking down a cruiser during an intense battle forces the defenders to either sink the CV ASAP or deal with a cruiser up again in 15 minutes.
Really good discussion.
I am not for sinking the entire fleet to force a re-spawn though. There needs to be a balance. When a CV attack comes against a low numbered side, that just enhances the vulch light on a defended field.
I honestly like the direction this post is going.