Well, was the $700 Asus GTX 1080 FE and the $600 Oculus Rift worth it? HELL YES!!! And now that prices have gone done and options up, it's even more so. It's not the same as TIR, you can only look around as far as your neck and chair allow...you know, like REAL LIFE. You look out over the side of the cockpit and you have a 3 d view, with actual depth perception. You actually get airsick. You have to get used to it. It improves your dogfighting all around, and it gives you an advantage over someone on a screen, because you have actual depth so you can judge where your opponent is going to be more accurately. The person in 2d is at a disadvantage, IMHO.
So, if I were to have to make a decision based on my experience so far, I would pull the trigger in a heartbeat.