in order to balance things out some of them are gonna have to do what they dont wanna do and that is fly allied.
I never thought I would see a day when a statement like this was even possible.
I remember the days of low turnout, no shows or quick death for a A6M due to being handed B5Ms.
I remember the squads who did not want German Iron because what few airframes we had that matched the timeframe were not in their wheel house and they ended up being face shot by Il-2s and run home by a horde of La-5s.
HTC and the CMs have given us more to work with these days. Most of the squads and individuals players have been here long enough to know what to do with planes they don't usually fly.
I'm curious how often too many squads request Axis now.
As for this month, the OP mentions the Allied side should have a 10% advantage. The writeup calls for 52-48 Allied favored (net 4%) and the side assignments show a 2 player advantage for Axis. I have not seen objectives so this may not be correct anymore. If nothing has changed from the assignments I see than having the Axis only defend and Allied fielding bombers? What could go wrong? And low turnout just compounds the problem.
As for Biggamer's quote, I leave it to the community to sort out if a change is needed.
But I
the Axis centric squads that took us through a dark and heated time, made commitment levels and sometimes planned/ fought a victory with a poor hand.