Germany spent half of the war defending against bombing raids...
True, and outnumbered as I recall.
FSO isn't working anymore, need proof? Look at the threads started in this forum over the last...... Lets say 3 months.
Essentially no one even talks about it now, not even questions from "new players" to me seems troublesome.
Numbers last night, 90 vs 82.
When I saw objectives on Sunday, I knew exactly what was going to happen. It's an easy script. Not a dam thing I could do about it either, the rules, setup, targets, plane availability, and simple math just don't allow for it.
I would expect frame 3 to be the same basically, except that the Axis will most likely have Spit 9's to shoot at which should make for a refreshing change of pace.
To last nights Allied squads efforts, I thank you! I wish I could have done more to help with your survival.