Author Topic: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m  (Read 12297 times)

Offline Avman

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #105 on: November 29, 2017, 03:03:23 PM »
Again, they are not finishing the two week trial.  They are not making it passed 30 minutes.

Because you have already built a wall in front of them. A two week window to attempt to learn the game, then pay up.

Look at some of the player base that may be considering this game.... War Thunder and World of Planes/Tanks players.  They are used to an easy to pick up, quick action game.
As we all know, Aces High is not a quick to learn, easy to master game. It takes time to learn and develop your skill in this game.

They jump in and realize that this game is going to take some time and investment but they see that wall looming at the end of two weeks and think, "meh"

Remove the wall, let them take as much time as they need or want in a free and very limited version of the MA.

I know they have the option currently to make their own arena, or jump into practice, but there is no fun in that because there are no targets, no AI to play against.

AKAvMAN of the Arabian Knights

Offline hitech

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #106 on: November 29, 2017, 03:34:48 PM »

I know they have the option currently to make their own arena, or jump into practice, but there is no fun in that because there are no targets, no AI to play against.

There is a free mission arena with continual running AI.


Offline AAIK

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #107 on: November 29, 2017, 03:37:35 PM »
AV, the statistic that 75% of players dont last 30 minutes is quite dramatic. More dramatic then a 2 week experience wall. Is there something fundamentally flawed with HTC's approach in welcoming players or is it just that unfair that people cant stand it?

Offline 19zac

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #108 on: November 29, 2017, 03:46:17 PM »
Because you have already built a wall in front of them. A two week window to attempt to learn the game, then pay up.

Look at some of the player base that may be considering this game.... War Thunder and World of Planes/Tanks players.  They are used to an easy to pick up, quick action game.
As we all know, Aces High is not a quick to learn, easy to master game. It takes time to learn and develop your skill in this game.

They jump in and realize that this game is going to take some time and investment but they see that wall looming at the end of two weeks and think, "meh"

+1. But if they arent making it past the first 30 minutes, there may be more here to think about. Even unlocking a small portion of the game for free might not make them stay, as the two week trial allows you to play the entire game for that time. Maybe, as I stated before, expanding the 2 weeks to a month may help some people get hooked, but who knows.

So how do you get more people to stay past the first 30 minutes of gameplay? Access to more, practical training info? Closer bases, so as to make action more accessible? Pay me as a personal trainer so I can help newbies get off the ground and explain the game?  :cool: :confused: :devil

Offline Avman

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #109 on: November 29, 2017, 04:07:01 PM »
There is a free mission arena with continual running AI.

Well, that's it then. I guess you have already thought of everything there is to try. 
Just keep it as it is.
AKAvMAN of the Arabian Knights

Offline wil3ur

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #110 on: November 29, 2017, 04:08:24 PM »
I still say some offline AI training missions, with possible achievements/perk bonuses for completing would go a long way towards introducing newbies to controls, chat, etc. and give them some incentive for doing so.  Many new games have these sorts of training missions to help get people into the game more than into a meat grinder.

It's nice to say there's a TA, but that takes actually joining the forums, setting up times/dates with someone willing to train, and in the long run, requires more investment into the community than simply upping and getting shot down.
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Offline hitech

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #111 on: November 29, 2017, 04:22:16 PM »
Well, that's it then. I guess you have already thought of everything there is to try. 
Just keep it as it is.

I am simply pointing out a thing I believed you did not know which invalidated some of your argument.


Offline pembquist

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #112 on: November 29, 2017, 06:10:04 PM »
What kind of interface are the people who don't last 30 minutes using?

If I was to vote for a plane to give away it wouldn't be a mid war plane but a late war plane but just one and with whatever the worst gun package and no ord. A new player has to experience some performance and longevity to want to bother keeping on IMO.
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Offline 19zac

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #113 on: November 29, 2017, 06:15:20 PM »
What kind of interface are the people who don't last 30 minutes using?

If I was to vote for a plane to give away it wouldn't be a mid war plane but a late war plane but just one and with whatever the worst gun package and no ord. A new player has to experience some performance and longevity to want to bother keeping on IMO.

I agree. Throwing them in for free, but with the more difficult models to fly would not help them want to stay. A new player is not going to be super effective in any plane you give them right off the bat, so why not give them one of the better ones so that they have a genuine feel for the game (after all, thats likely what they will end up flying anyway once they subscribe.)

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #114 on: November 29, 2017, 06:35:24 PM »
How about ride-a-longs?

Instead of "requesting" permission to jump in someone else plane, set it up with 3 options/check boxes.

"Ride along in a fighter"
"Ride a long in a bomber"
"Ride along in a vehicle"

Click on one of the options and the game drops you into a random players plane that is in the "action" area of the map.

The ride a long doesnt add any penalty so jumping in isnt going to hurt the players giving the ride along. If it is only allowable to 2 weeks.... err 4 weekers  :noid it shouldnt be used to grief the player giving the ride a long.

This will show a new player more of the "action".

With the new videos the "radio" one should be repeated often and only a dot command in the radio bar can turn it off... insuring the new player knows how to use the radio to clear it.

The "free" set of planes in the MA is a big plus. Knowing that they are free indefinitely may take the pressure off and allow the new players to relax as they step into the deep end.

Maybe add a count of "AI" players in the "missions arena" on the login screen. "15 enemy AI, 5 friendly AI, in 5 missions going on right now!" As a scrolling message to attract attention to that arena.

Offline 19zac

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #115 on: November 29, 2017, 06:41:15 PM »
How about ride-a-longs?

Instead of "requesting" permission to jump in someone else plane, set it up with 3 options/check boxes.

"Ride along in a fighter"
"Ride a long in a bomber"
"Ride along in a vehicle"

Click on one of the options and the game drops you into a random players plane that is in the "action" area of the map.

The ride a long doesnt add any penalty so jumping in isnt going to hurt the players giving the ride along. If it is only allowable to 2 weeks.... err 4 weekers  :noid it shouldnt be used to grief the player giving the ride a long.

This will show a new player more of the "action".

With the new videos the "radio" one should be repeated often and only a dot command in the radio bar can turn it off... insuring the new player knows how to use the radio to clear it.

+1. Anything to give them a genuine feel of the game. It would help them and encourage them to see what instant action looks like.

Online Oldman731

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #116 on: November 29, 2017, 10:20:11 PM »
AV, the statistic that 75% of players dont last 30 minutes is quite dramatic. More dramatic then a 2 week experience wall.

I suspect that, because the current crop of new pilots is generally younger than the bunch that made AW and AH originally successful, we can’t hope to keep even a smaller fraction of people who come test the game.  That’s fine, given enough exposure we don’t need to keep a large percentage in order to keep things pleasant here.  But I’ve often thought that two weeks is not enough time to grasp the fundamentals of this game.  Avman’s example is accurate for many people:  If you have a day job, by the time you get the controls set up and figure out what controls are necessary to do some basic flying, you could be well through the two-week period.

Of course HTC has made it possible to do all this in the free arenas, and there are online resources that explain all things (if you can find them) - but not all new people will stop to analyze this before they sign up.  And until they’re exposed to the MA, they probably aren’t going to find AH terribly interesting.

Once again, I think that a four-week intro period, coupled with a basic, easily found handbook (even AW had this), would go a long way to retaining the very small group of people who are likely to be retainable.  The handbook is a time investment by HTC, made more difficult by the fact that the game details are constantly changing, but I think it’s essential.  And the additional two free weeks...what’s the harm?

- oldman

Offline Krusty

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #117 on: November 30, 2017, 07:54:42 AM »
If the handbook were phrased and composed such that it talked about the physics of things (in easy to understand terms) then it would last across many many different game updates and versions. I think there is something that could be put together with a pretty long lifespan that wouldn't have to be updated ever, if at all.

I think that would be a good idea. The question is: How do you organize it? How do you present it? What's the best way to make a handbook like that to answer a beginner's questions and get them into the fight faster?

Offline popeye

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #118 on: November 30, 2017, 08:34:59 AM »
Again, they are not finishing the two week trial.  They are not making it passed 30 minutes.

When Steam was first enabled, it was common to see a new callsign sitting in the hangar for 10 minutes, occasionally firing guns, then disappear forever.  Or, if they did get off the ground they would fly 10 seconds and auger.  I'd try to help them by text or vox, but get no reply.

Don't know what kind of coading effort it would be, but how about automatic contextual help for a first time player:

First time in the tower:  "Click Hangar to select aircraft/vehicle"
After selecting aircraft:  "Click runway heading -- N S E W -- to launch on runway"
On the runway:  "Press E key to start engine"
etc, etc,

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline Randy1

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #119 on: November 30, 2017, 10:34:39 AM »
What brought us all to AH is living a dream and or interest  WW2 aerial and tank combat. 

What that simply means is if the new player has not got a least some interest in WW2, they will not be a player for long.

That suggest the key to improving player acquisition is to implant that dream and or interest into a new player's head before they ever sign in for the two week trial.

Dramatic video's with taunting sounds is about the only way I know of that might work.

HTC was their a bump up in members when a WW2 movie came out like Memphis Belle?