Author Topic: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m  (Read 12296 times)

Offline 19zac

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #90 on: November 29, 2017, 01:38:53 PM »
Increasing the amount of free time would not increase the number of subscribers, if a player is not hooked enough after 2 weeks to pay $15, then another 2 weeks will not get him to fork over the $15.

So that leaves the question what to do with the people who would still play, but are to cheep or cant afford the $15.

1. Opening up some free stuff to them in the main could possibly be a benefit simply to create fodder for subscribers.

2. Keeping them around long enough until they can afford AH could be a benefit.

3. Providing a non paying method to continue to play could also loose some potential new subscribers.

4. Keep them around but figure out a way to extract a lesser amount from them with out damaging the current inflow of new subscribers.

But remember 75% of potential customers are gone after 30 minutes. Nothing posted above would have much effect on those people.

You're right. I only made that suggestion because those extra 2 weeks might allow the game to make a bit more of an impression on a small percentage of people during their free trial. But overall, if they arent going to sub after 2 weeks, then they probably wont after 4 weeks either.

But what about my original suggestion? Tell me its really stupid if it is, but it works in other games.

Plane skins available for 99 cents each. (League of legends, Counter Strike and Rocket League all make a fortune with this, and there is no pay to win aspect).

And more planes being worth perk points, but make perk points buy-able. There still really isnt a pay to win aspect with this either. Most of the players could easily wrack up 7-10 perks to fly a pony, or spit 16, or something like that. But I know if i were in a perk-point drought, id definitely throw in 5 bucks to be able to fly those planes. That would be easily justifiable because in that case, I wouldn't be paying a sub anymore, or that sub would be less. Otherwise I would grab a P40 or something. This would change the game (I think in a good way) so everyone wouldn't be flying the best planes all the time, but would instead have to get used to some mid-war planes to wrack up a small amount of perkies to fly the better late-war planes. And to new players, thats actually what they would expect to be the case, given that many games today are taking on this formula. All im suggesting is making perkies more valuable.

But... what do I know. Just throwing out some ideas. Thanks for your input HT, I appreciate it.

Offline Lusche

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #91 on: November 29, 2017, 01:40:38 PM »
P-51B (good fighter, decent, maneuverable, fast, carries bombs)
110G (bomber hunter, strafer, ground attacker with rockets/bombs)
B-25C (ground attack nose options, 3x 1k bombs good for bombing anything but not OP)
Panzer IV H (the stock tank for so many years)

Nothing more. No access to special arenas. No access to scenarios, FSOs, etc. No perk point accumulation and no squadron joining unless they subscribe.

To be honest, I would never ever pay any money again to HTC with a setup like that.
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Offline Krusty

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #92 on: November 29, 2017, 01:43:05 PM »
From a newbie perspective it keeps you from being totally overwhelmed by subscription players (minimizes pay to win) but it also has a limited set of options and armaments. If you want more than 4x50cal on your fighter? Subscribe. If you want to carry more than 2x500lb bombs? Subscribe. Want a bomber with some tailguns? B-26s, B17s, all quite lethal..... subscribe!

The point was to pick something good but not great. Only one I'm concerned about on that list is the 110G but I think it's safe enough because of its low climb rate, turn rate, and top speeds.

Offline Lazerr

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #93 on: November 29, 2017, 01:47:23 PM »
Hmm.. wonder why so few stick around.  I think the interface could use some work, but that cant be all of it.

Are they having a hard time running the game on their system?

Maybe the complex mouse control was part of the problem?

Ive been here 17 years and couldnt get my tank to operate properly the other night. (Havent been on since to try HT's fix yet)

Im half tempted to wipe the game from my PC, reinstall, and see what folks are running into.

Offline Wiley

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #94 on: November 29, 2017, 01:47:52 PM »

To be honest, I would never ever pay any money again to HTC with a setup like that.

Boredom can be a powerful motivator for many though.

From a newbie perspective it keeps you from being totally overwhelmed by subscription players (minimizes pay to win) but it also has a limited set of options and armaments. If you want more than 4x50cal on your fighter? Subscribe. If you want to carry more than 2x500lb bombs? Subscribe. Want a bomber with some tailguns? B-26s, B17s, all quite lethal..... subscribe!

The point was to pick something good but not great. Only one I'm concerned about on that list is the 110G but I think it's safe enough because of its low climb rate, turn rate, and top speeds.

I'd honestly quibble more about the 51B than the 110G.  Some would say the B is more of a threat at MA alts than the D.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline Krusty

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #95 on: November 29, 2017, 02:03:32 PM »
I don't see that as true. Firepower is a big factor. You can't drop a VH like you can in a fully decked out P-47D40 with 3 bombs and rockets. You can't down bombers in 1 pass with 30mm like Fw190s can. You can't do many things with 4x50cals. However, you can get kills. It just takes more work.

I'm a fan of the P-51B. I liked it way back and flew it regularly when 71sqn would do fighter sweeps. I've had some nice kill tallies in a single sortie with them. However, they are only "nice" and while they can keep up with late war planes in the MA they are not superior in any specific way. They can't turn with spitfires (have to use angles or alt), they can keep within 10-15mph deck speed with many planes but it's not the top, they don't outshoot anything but maybe the FM-2 and the Ki-43. But... if you're in one you still have hope of keeping up with the big dogs.

My only concern would be that P-51Bs can still run quite well and newbies will run... BUT that's a pro. Gives them an out as they're learning. Can still be caught by many late war planes, has terrible low-end acceleration, so in the overall balance I see it as one of the better options if you were only given one fighter to fly.

Offline Avman

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #96 on: November 29, 2017, 02:08:15 PM »
I disagree on most points.  Speaking from experience, two weeks was not enough time to get a feel for this game. Many of your paying customers have jobs, families, and other activities so the two weeks are mostly wasted because they can't play it everyday for two weeks straight. Plain and simple.  That coupled with the steep learning curve and seemingly overwhelming number of planes and options takes time.  I'd say for most players the two weeks averages out to a couple hours a day for 3 to 5 days.

Opening up the main arena with the ideas I posted previously would increase the numbers in the MA and allow more cannon fodder.  Even if they don't buy a subscription higher numbers in the MA make the game look better, it won't look dead. No new player wants to take the risk and pay for a game that looks dead or dying.

Minimize your risk of loosing current subscribers due to opening up the MA with a free option by implementing free user restrictions like I posted above.  Limit the planes, limit the radio, no perks, no voice chat, no squads, limited planes rotate and are not static, disallow country swap, limit certain airfields to no free players, etc...

I don't see how this would not increase the numbers and breath life into the MA.
If you're not interested in a small investment of time and "coading" to try and get more paying players, at least you would be making your current subscribers happy with a more target rich environment.

Increasing the amount of free time would not increase the number of subscribers, if a player is not hooked enough after 2 weeks to pay $15, then another 2 weeks will not get him to fork over the $15.

So that leaves the question what to do with the people who would still play, but are to cheep or cant afford the $15.

1. Opening up some free stuff to them in the main could possibly be a benefit simply to create fodder for subscribers.

2. Keeping them around long enough until they can afford AH could be a benefit.

3. Providing a non paying method to continue to play could also loose some potential new subscribers.

4. Keep them around but figure out a way to extract a lesser amount from them with out damaging the current inflow of new subscribers.

But remember 75% of potential customers are gone after 30 minutes. Nothing posted above would have much effect on those people.

AKAvMAN of the Arabian Knights

Offline Krusty

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #97 on: November 29, 2017, 02:14:38 PM »
Just a thought... in this hypothetical free-player-in-the-MA situation, have the server place them on the country with the lowest player count every time they log in, and they can't change sides.

Thoughts? Might hinder the forming of friendships and squadmates, though.

Offline Avman

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #98 on: November 29, 2017, 02:31:44 PM »
Just a thought... in this hypothetical free-player-in-the-MA situation, have the server place them on the country with the lowest player count every time they log in, and they can't change sides.

Thoughts? Might hinder the forming of friendships and squadmates, though.

Great idea!
The plan for free players in the MA should be to severely limit their options while still allowing them to play.  Making friends and joining squads should be a subscriber only option.  I feel they should not be allowed certain radio chat channels, or voice chat options also.  Let them use the help channel and country channels but not much more.   The idea should still be that AH3 is a subscriber based game. It's pay to play. If your just doing the free version, you are able to fly some planes and contribute a little, but your missing the larger picture that is only obtained via a subscription.
AKAvMAN of the Arabian Knights

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #99 on: November 29, 2017, 02:32:16 PM »
Maybe, one free plane, changing every month, and a high eny plane at that.

That should be plenty to keep them interested.  Changing it every month would actually help the guys that were not planning on ever subscribing work through the different aircraft and become familiar with many different planes.  The frustration of not being able to choose might incentivise them to subscribe especially if they "fell in love" with planeX.

I should have said one "thing" per month.  Throw in buffs and GV's here and there too.  Not one fighter, one buff, one GV, just one total per month.

Hehehe, I just thought of one more thing, say the monthly choice is a P51B and this thing has taken off with 100's of "free" players doing it.  Might be kind of fun to fly that plane as a vet knowing you might be thought of as a "freebee newb" and then...............well...... get the idea.    :devil
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Offline Skuzzy

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #100 on: November 29, 2017, 02:34:08 PM »
How about we figure out how to get those players to finish the two week trial before talking about extending the trial time?

My thought on letting players into the main arena:  Why would someone subscribe after being fodder for the pros in the game?  That could not be fun.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline Zoney

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #101 on: November 29, 2017, 02:34:59 PM »
How about we figure out how to get those players to finish the two week trial before talking about extending the trial time?

My thought on letting players into the main arena:  Why would someone subscribe after being fodder for the pros in the game?  That could not be fun.

Dang it, logic strikes again.
Wag more, bark less.

Offline Wiley

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #102 on: November 29, 2017, 02:40:16 PM »
How about we figure out how to get those players to finish the two week trial before talking about extending the trial time?

That's an interesting question.  UI and tutorials look to me like a spot to start.

My thought on letting players into the main arena:  Why would someone subscribe after being fodder for the pros in the game?  That could not be fun.

Revenge?  Of course when they find out there was more to it than the fact he had a better plane, they're back to square 1.

About all I can say to that one is, those of us who stuck around did it.  You can't really help with a learning curve.  Sometimes you've just got to let people fall so they learn to pick themselves up.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline Avman

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #103 on: November 29, 2017, 02:47:58 PM »
My thought on letting players into the main arena:  Why would someone subscribe after being fodder for the pros in the game?  That could not be fun.

Umm isn't that what you're already doing now?
 "Try the MA for two weeks... actually make that 3.5 days because of school, family,  and other obligations that get in the way...because who can stop everything they are doing and dedicate themselves to the full two weeks of the trial.  Then try and learn the ropes of the game and get clobbered by the pros... now give us money!"   

At least if there were an unlimited free option they could take their time, push past the learning curve, get in some practice, maybe even some pro kills... then decide to pay.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 02:50:36 PM by Avman »
AKAvMAN of the Arabian Knights

Offline Skuzzy

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Re: In-game transactions in lieu of $15/m
« Reply #104 on: November 29, 2017, 02:52:37 PM »
Umm isn't that what you're already doing now?
 "Try the MA for two weeks... actually make that 3.5 days because of school, family,  and other obligations that get in the way...because who can stop everything they are doing and dedicate themselves to the full two weeks of the trial.  Then try and learn the ropes of the game and get clobbered by the pros... now give us money!"   

At least if there were an unlimited free option they could take their time, push past the learning curve, get in some practice, maybe even some pro kills... then decide to pay.

Again, they are not finishing the two week trial.  They are not making it passed 30 minutes.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese