Most of the GVers in these forums complaining about GVDAR want to hide as long as they can from other GVs and planes.
It's funny how the competition dumps all of their tanks within a mile of each other and they run around like keystone cops with shotguns blasting each other in the open and call that combat. But, the closer Hitech brings us to that in this game, it's called the equivalent of mental abuse against grown men.....
Bustr my friend your statement about "most of the gvers on these forums" is just out and out wrong and you know that. Go ahead and list at least 25 known long time GVers that fall into that category. You can't, because its not true.
And running around like keystone cop with shotguns blasting each other? Isn't that what air combat is? Flying around shooting at the enemy. No sir you are playing double standards, as are Devil and Fugi.
I have adapted to the change, I am still getting just as many gv kills, and aircraft kills as before, but there are many that will not or can not adapt. To them they are forced into a tough decision. And for ANY ONE on this forum to suggest that the likes of DR7, Killroy, Mano, Tyfoo, Virgle, Slider, GT101, GS, Rain000, Redctchr, WWhiskey (RIP) Hoagi, SEagle, DFCrash, Bangsbox, and numerous others, are not skilled and capable players of this game, just shows their ignorance and jealousy.
This thread needs to sealed, before bad blood comes from it. There I'm done, no more discussion with FOOLS, you can't win.