Hiya Brooke,
I don't disagree with anything you've said here. But if in combat terms, the Allies won Frame 3, why did they have a lower score than the Axis? That suggests something was at least slightly "off" in scoring, doesn't it?
In frame 3, the allies did great, but they had a very unfortunate situation. They took off in bombers very late in the frame, then just went back and landed shortly after takeoff. None of those planes got within 50 miles of an enemy icon. Usually, that is no big deal. But on this map, most of the allied coastal fields are weird. They are small airfields with only one strip, have a cliff at one end, and a mountain planted right at the other end of the runway. For fighters, it's weird and maybe a little dangerous, but it is much worse for formations of B-24's. When the bombers went back to land, there were several formations lost in landing.
The scoring system counts ditches, crashes, bails, and deaths as losses, but it doesn't have a statement like "ditches and crashes, unless they happen when landing an aborted mission where no aircraft involved is ever within 50 miles of an enemy". So, in this instance, it ended up counting something akin to transport losses. It was unfortunate for the allies, and I wanted very much for them to get the win they deserved in that frame.