The V2 was a ballistic rocket and there was no way to stop it. However the V1 was a flying buzzbomb and while challenging depending on the circumstances was often missing the target or intercepted.
I put forth an idea some years back that I think has merit. We need V1 launch sites like shore batteries. Terrain tile pieces around which combat can be set up. They can be aimed like a ship gun, click on a map and fire it, but they have a very long reload (5-10 minutes?) time and only one every so many sectors.
They would launch a pre-programmed "dumb" V1 buzz bomb and it would fly to target and then nose dive into the ground with whatever damage should be applied for a bomb of that size. That would allow it to be intercepted and shot down, and also allow for human error in targetting and programming them (because that happened a lot in the war too). And if you click the center of an enemy field's town, for example, and that's already been bombed by a JABO over target? Well you don't get anything for it and have to wait for reload.
I really think something like that would add some depth to the game, add some fun, some options, spark some fights (jabo treetop runs to try and hunt down the launchers and take them out, etc) but also give some use for FSOs and scenarios.