pagefile report in dxdiag is always (and has always been) virtual memory use.
Yes, that is true, but you said the "Page File" value was as follows,
physical memory + pagefile, not pagefile alone. which is not accurate. Or you did not correctly describe your intent.
Just some side advice: Don't mess with the page file in the latest versions of windows. Always leave it on auto. Games will crash if you set it too small.
Creating a fixed size page file always improves performance as it keeps the page file from being broken up and spread all over the file system. It also helps by reducing the fragmentation of the file system.
The trick is to use twice the system RAM space for the page file. If you run out of page file space then your computer needs more physical RAM. I place a page file on each drive. Some will say it is overkill and it probably is, but Windows 7 uses the page file on the last selected hard drive, if available.
Moving the page file off drive the boot drive, is also a good idea.