These are my thoughts on this, take it for just what it is, just my thoughts.
I have not flown scenarios as long as some of you have. But I have not missed one since I started flying them. I have missed a FRAME or two.
I have GL'd CO'd XO'd and flown and always AXIS. Why AXIS is for another time, but yes always AXIS.
I have talked with a lot of guys over the years and have made a lot of friends and even met some in person.
I hear all the complaints and suggestions and name calling and how I could do it better crap from all of them.
The biggest compliant
You do not have enough time to build and develop and recruit and practice your team.....
We are ALL scenario players. We all have scenario experience. Many of us know what needs to get done. Many of us have an idea of how to plan and get orders out.
You are telling me that you cannot put a group of guys in an arena and tell them what the objective is, and watch it get done? It happens just about every Friday night.
Do you need 6 months to put a team together?
Do you need 6 months to plan and practice?
The core group of players that fly know how to do it. Maybe you have to do a fuel test or a time to target test....OK 6 months?
Scenarios used to be published as is, You flew in it as written. Or you don not fly. How many times did a group of guys fly around for 3 hours without seeing the enemy? It happened way to often, and you cannot deny that, because a few of you have joked with me about ordering particular guys to do just that!
We are trying to be more inclusive in both design and play ability. YES the Historical guys want the actual planes that were flying there. I get it.... Design it that way and no one shows up to fly ZEROs against your F4Us and F6Fs Just the way it is today...
Have and 8 to 1 advantage of P-51s flying over Luftwaffe... Yea I may show up for that, but not many others. Just the way reality is.
We are never going to make everyone happy with a design or plane set, but keep in mind, we are not trying to destroy scenarios or end the world....... of warcraft.
That leads me to the time factor
If the CM TEAM for scenarios schedules events in FEB JUNE OCTOBER and they are going to run consistently on that schedule, the core group of players is going to know what to do. Will we have walk-ons? I hope so. New players join a scenario and meet new people and learn there is more to this game then flying in the MA. That would be great.
3 times a year does not seem that out of the ball park for us or the players. I know thinking of this Saturday when it is going to be 105 outside, I would love to be flying in an event.
Say you want to skip this one? OK Skip it.
YOU KNOW there is one coming in FEB. Start with design request now, start building you team now start practicing NOW.... That is SEVEN MONTHS! Think you could get ready by then?
Lets not call each other name, lets not be rude and obnoxious...
This is just a game that we like to play. With all the other things going on in life not to mention other games out there, we can just have a dialog to make the events as good as we can with the low number of people still playing.
It IS going to happen every 3 months, like it or not. We as the scenario team talk every week and make little adjustments to things as we move forward. We try things, if it does not work we adjust it for the next time.
Guess what, in four months there is going to be another one.
Some of you have flown scenarios from wayyyyy back in the 90s back when there were 300 people on, that is just not the case today and I want to fly in more events then once or twice a year.
Thanks for your time and I hope to see you up
