Why is the TA152 a 10 ENY when it has less affect in the MA then the Yak3?
How this is being approached may be the confusion. What is the Ta152's ability to destabilize a fight in the vein of a 262 or Tempest or F4u-4 or F4u-C or 163? The Ta152 is a nuisance like a 262 during a busy furball when it suddenly rips through out of nowhere. During that initial surprise some times a few players are blind sided and the 152 WEPs up and away to rinse and repeat. That changes the nature of the furball since everyone on the attacked side is throwing warnings about the 152, and hyping the lost players from that first pass and subsequent passes. There is a real effect on the nature of the activity in that localized area if the 152 driver is not a weenie with no skill. You can't just ignore the 152 and go back to your ACM state from just before when there was not a 152 loose to pick you off. That mental change costs players kills or, gets them killed worrying about the high ENY ride picking them out of nowhere. The average pool of customers who can be affected by this in a furball is larger than our Junky level players in the game. So that is a metric based on destabilization of localized activity and customer satisfaction.
What is the real potential destabilization impact to customer satisfaction by the Yak3? Is it equal to the current perked rides and low ENY rides or, has it become an overused nuisance like the Brewster was before the Yak3 took over the Brewster's role? And years ago the 4 hispano HurriC was used as that kind of nuisance before the Brewster was introduced. Everyone hated the HurriC becasue it could turn and the sissies flying it HO'd on every pass was the gripe against it's over use.
ENY and perking is related to destabilization of player activity in a localized area. How does the Yak3 measure at this point in time to that metric? It is incredibly irritating and seems to magically not get damaged more like shooting at bombers with 30cal. But, how destabilizing is it to localized combat activity? If anything the squirrely little things keep groups tied up wasting their ammo while someone in a perk or low number ENY ride blind sides them repeatedly. Having observed the evolution of their use, in the hands of the worst case scenario vets, they are competitive up to 20k. While they can perform relatively tight maneuvering at high speed becasue of their short wingspan. They are often flown like mini Ta152 to great effect by veteran players from 20k to the deck these days, versus originally as high speed irritating bottom pickers, vulchers and runners. In AH2 the La7 and it's WEP made it the king of that role.
Has everyone forgotten Hitech reduced the La7 top speed on WEP back in AH2 and the forums were sure that was the death of this game. A lot of players were using it back then exactly the same way the Yak3 is used today. With the exception the only thing on the deck that could catch it when it was on WEP was a 262 or a 51 on WEP dropping from 10k. But, it could be killed unlike the Yak3 today.