Just checking to make sure you understand only 2 missions can run at a time, so you are suggesting all AI only one side. Nothing wrong with this, just making sure you understand.
Oh, no I didn't. Good to know.
In my particular case, one side would be fully AI, but that may not fit all cases.
I think you were right about putting it on the flight level. That gives you the flexibility to handle all cases. I can have a mission that is full AI, or a mix of human and AI. And it would still prevent player from selecting a flight that was intended to be only AI.
So I guess what you were getting at is if one of the missions is full AI it still needs to be in the combobox? Maybe if one sides mission has no human-flyable flights, the radio-button for that side "Fly As:" is disabled , so the user is not led to believe they can find a flight to join on that side?
[edit] In a perfect would, I guess you would even be able to mark which flight positions are man-able. I still have the problem of wanting them to only fly position 2 instead of 1. So I have to name the flight "Player choose position 2!" So all the positions in that flight show that text and hopefully they get the hint.