Author Topic: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.  (Read 33450 times)

Offline caldera

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Re: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.
« Reply #120 on: January 06, 2019, 09:52:26 PM »
Get rid of Buzzaw, and the big maps, at least at Euro TZ.
To let players play for free with limited set of planes/vehicles - it's a way of introducing new blood and get numbers up, like Warthunder have using players steam account, you can get premium tanks / planes / skins / load-out by paying.
To introduce new planes / vehicles is a way of keeping the interest up and keep old farts playing, 4 years with no new planes does not cut it, VR or not.

As of this month, it's been five years since the TU-2 was introduced.  July was five years since a new fighter, the Yak-3 and Yak-7.

And +1 on scrapping Buzzsaw.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2019, 09:54:24 PM by caldera »
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.
« Reply #121 on: January 06, 2019, 10:45:03 PM »
I have flown the 38 since it was pretty much available. What plane are you wanting?
80th FS "Headhunters"

S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)

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Re: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.
« Reply #122 on: January 07, 2019, 12:27:19 AM »
I have flown the 38 since it was pretty much available. What plane are you wanting?

You want the whole list?

It is typical for online games to offer new content.  You may like flying only one bomber, but most people prefer a selection.  And in that regard, more is better.
"Then out spake brave Horatius, the Captain of the gate:
 To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late.
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Offline AKKuya

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Re: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.
« Reply #123 on: January 07, 2019, 05:01:09 AM »
1) Adding more planes and vehicles are great.  That will appease the veteran players especially for Special Events in creating more accurate showdowns.  New players with no knowledge of WW2 will be unable to know the difference.  For the most part, the new aircraft may become the additional hangar queens in the MA.

2) Having HTC create a complicated free play with limited planes and vehicles based on specific arena use system, that falls on HTC marketing to implement and most importantly keeping the program going with a 24/7 information phone line.  Talking person to person.

3) Removing the large maps from rotation, that will help tremendously with low numbers.  No argument there.

It's easy for us to point out issues and offer suggestions. 

Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.
« Reply #124 on: January 07, 2019, 05:40:09 AM »
You want the whole list?

It is typical for online games to offer new content.  You may like flying only one bomber, but most people prefer a selection.  And in that regard, more is better.

So the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence for you.

That must be tough.

Really only need a few planes to flesh out scenarios. Any other time they would be mostly hanger queens.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 05:42:56 AM by Shuffler »
80th FS "Headhunters"

S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)

Offline FESS67

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Re: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.
« Reply #125 on: January 07, 2019, 06:23:51 AM »
The fact is HTC cannot please everyone and it is actually hopeless to try.  In fact it is folly to try.  He will end up like a pinball bouncing all over the place.

My personal take on the game is going to be different from many and the same as many.  My $0.02 for what it is worth.

  • There are enough planes and GV’s.  Adding more is a bonus not a requirement
  • The graphics are ok.  Sure there are better out there but they are fine.
  • The flight model is ok.  It is point and shoot and middle of the road to learn.  Others need more engine management, others are more basic.  AH has a good balance for fun.  Easier to fly when drunk as well :).
  • Learning curve is steep.  No more steep than others to be honest, even the ‘basic’ games you all scoff at have steep learning curves.  Don’t believe me?  Go fly in those games that you hate so much with their ‘simple’ flight model and top the charts.  Truth is you will struggle.  You will blame it on a crap flight model etc etc etc, but the fact is you are just not used to it and unwilling to go through the learning curve to get good at it.
  • The maps are not great.  They seem to take a lot of effort to create and there are many in rotation that suck balls.  Well, certainly from a fighter pilots perspective.
  • What is it with the invisible ground vehicles?  That one confuses the crap out of me.
  • The game IMO has become lost in trying to cater for everyone and has ended up being the bridesmaid instead of the stunning bride it should be.
  • The scoring system promotes combat avoidance.  Your name in lights means nothing IMO if it took you 2 hours and 20 high speed passes to get those 2 kills. They gain points for this.  Others however, work hard and fight aggressively to land hits on 5 enemy but are shot down without getting a kill and are rewarded with no points at all. I prefer the World of Warships model.
  • AH has become more about the outcome than the fight.  Take the base, get the kill, score the points all while avoiding the fight.  The fight avoiders will come up with many reasons as to why their way is justified etc.  I am sure they believe it.  For me, 1 high speed pass, a loop and then run to ack or a wirb is not fun.
  • I left the game after a tirade of abuse from a player just because he took exception at my country of birth and if this sort of stuff is aimed at new players no wonder they do not stay.

Offline caldera

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Re: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.
« Reply #126 on: January 07, 2019, 06:32:16 AM »
So the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence for you.

That must be tough.

Really only need a few planes to flesh out scenarios. Any other time they would be mostly hanger queens.

What grass is greener?   :headscratch:   I don't fly in scenarios and hangar queens are my bread and butter.
"Then out spake brave Horatius, the Captain of the gate:
 To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late.
 And how can man die better, than facing fearful odds.
 For the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods."

Offline Max

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Re: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.
« Reply #127 on: January 07, 2019, 06:37:19 AM »
The fact is HTC cannot please everyone and it is actually hopeless to try.  In fact it is folly to try.  He will end up like a pinball bouncing all over the place.

My personal take on the game is going to be different from many and the same as many.  My $0.02 for what it is worth.

  • There are enough planes and GV’s.  Adding more is a bonus not a requirement
  • The graphics are ok.  Sure there are better out there but they are fine.
  • The flight model is ok.  It is point and shoot and middle of the road to learn.  Others need more engine management, others are more basic.  AH has a good balance for fun.  Easier to fly when drunk as well :).
  • Learning curve is steep.  No more steep than others to be honest, even the ‘basic’ games you all scoff at have steep learning curves.  Don’t believe me?  Go fly in those games that you hate so much with their ‘simple’ flight model and top the charts.  Truth is you will struggle.  You will blame it on a crap flight model etc etc etc, but the fact is you are just not used to it and unwilling to go through the learning curve to get good at it.
  • The maps are not great.  They seem to take a lot of effort to create and there are many in rotation that suck balls.  Well, certainly from a fighter pilots perspective.
  • What is it with the invisible ground vehicles?  That one confuses the crap out of me.
  • The game IMO has become lost in trying to cater for everyone and has ended up being the bridesmaid instead of the stunning bride it should be.
  • The scoring system promotes combat avoidance.  Your name in lights means nothing IMO if it took you 2 hours and 20 high speed passes to get those 2 kills. They gain points for this.  Others however, work hard and fight aggressively to land hits on 5 enemy but are shot down without getting a kill and are rewarded with no points at all. I prefer the World of Warships model.
  • AH has become more about the outcome than the fight.  Take the base, get the kill, score the points all while avoiding the fight.  The fight avoiders will come up with many reasons as to why their way is justified etc.  I am sure they believe it.  For me, 1 high speed pass, a loop and then run to ack or a wirb is not fun.
  • I left the game after a tirade of abuse from a player just because he took exception at my country of birth and if this sort of stuff is aimed at new players no wonder they do not stay.

I agree with 99% of your thinking Fess. So sorry to hear you've left. In my book you've always been a gentlemen, a fun countryman and a feared opponent.


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Re: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.
« Reply #128 on: January 07, 2019, 08:20:29 AM »
This discussion has become derailed, here is what I originally said:

Evidently the STEAM free to play aces High game is not attracting the flood of players that everyone was hoping for.  Taking a look around at other subscription based games that also altered their models to attract new members by offering a free to play account appear to be doing a bit better.  The difference as far as I can see is that they allow new free to play accounts to be in the mix with the others subscribers, thus adding much needed numbers to their sandbox.   WWII Online is a good example.   The free to play accounts are basic riflemen and can be nothing else.  While the subscribers have two levels of subscriptions a monthly 14.99 and a monthly 7.99.   The 7.99 has fewer game options available, with the 14.99 account having everything available.  Bottom inline they allowed the free to play account in their main arena to bolster numbers.  Perhaps HTC might consider doing the same for AH3.  Created different levels of subscriptions.   Basic first generation fighters for the free to play account and an unlimited selection for subscriptions.  Just a thought.

The discussion should be about bring in additional numbers by allowing the free to play accounts access to the MA in a limited plane/vehicle set.  Something that if done now, today, would increase numbers, today, the discussion is not about training or lack there of, not about maps or map size or design. 
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.
« Reply #129 on: January 07, 2019, 09:48:31 AM »
So this should be in the wish list.
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Re: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.
« Reply #130 on: January 07, 2019, 09:50:09 AM »
Apparently people don't know how to play AH....

You do not need 600 people to play...we were in the DA Saturday night for like 5 hours with 4 of us and it was the most fun we had in years...

On top of that we were in the MA against like 8 or 10 guys and had a great time...if you can fight 100 people at one time and have fun have at it...
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Offline Puma44

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Re: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.
« Reply #131 on: January 07, 2019, 09:50:25 AM »
The fact is HTC cannot please everyone and it is actually hopeless to try.  In fact it is folly to try.  He will end up like a pinball bouncing all over the place.

My personal take on the game is going to be different from many and the same as many.  My $0.02 for what it is worth.

  • There are enough planes and GV’s.  Adding more is a bonus not a requirement
  • The graphics are ok.  Sure there are better out there but they are fine.
  • The flight model is ok.  It is point and shoot and middle of the road to learn.  Others need more engine management, others are more basic.  AH has a good balance for fun.  Easier to fly when drunk as well :).
  • Learning curve is steep.  No more steep than others to be honest, even the ‘basic’ games you all scoff at have steep learning curves.  Don’t believe me?  Go fly in those games that you hate so much with their ‘simple’ flight model and top the charts.  Truth is you will struggle.  You will blame it on a crap flight model etc etc etc, but the fact is you are just not used to it and unwilling to go through the learning curve to get good at it.
  • The maps are not great.  They seem to take a lot of effort to create and there are many in rotation that suck balls.  Well, certainly from a fighter pilots perspective.
  • What is it with the invisible ground vehicles?  That one confuses the crap out of me.
  • The game IMO has become lost in trying to cater for everyone and has ended up being the bridesmaid instead of the stunning bride it should be.
  • The scoring system promotes combat avoidance.  Your name in lights means nothing IMO if it took you 2 hours and 20 high speed passes to get those 2 kills. They gain points for this.  Others however, work hard and fight aggressively to land hits on 5 enemy but are shot down without getting a kill and are rewarded with no points at all. I prefer the World of Warships model.
  • AH has become more about the outcome than the fight.  Take the base, get the kill, score the points all while avoiding the fight.  The fight avoiders will come up with many reasons as to why their way is justified etc.  I am sure they believe it.  For me, 1 high speed pass, a loop and then run to ack or a wirb is not fun.
  • I left the game after a tirade of abuse from a player just because he took exception at my country of birth and if this sort of stuff is aimed at new players no wonder they do not stay.

All valid points Fess. With regard to your last point, hopefully the tirades were reported and that player is no longer in the game.  Hope you’ll reconsider and come back.  :salute

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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.
« Reply #132 on: January 07, 2019, 09:51:48 AM »
Apparently people don't know how to play AH....

You do not need 600 people to play...we were in the DA Saturday night for like 5 hours with 4 of us and it was the most fun we had in years...

On top of that we were in the MA against like 8 or 10 guys and had a great time...if you can fight 100 people at one time and have fun have at it...

Monday night madness is a blast too.
80th FS "Headhunters"

S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)

Offline Puma44

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Re: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.
« Reply #133 on: January 07, 2019, 09:53:57 AM »
Monday night madness is a blast too.

Ditto!  Come git some!

All gave some, Some gave all

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Re: Attracting more players in the main arena or what ever it's called today.
« Reply #134 on: January 07, 2019, 09:55:45 AM »
Apparently people don't know how to play AH....

You do not need 600 people to play...we were in the DA Saturday night for like 5 hours with 4 of us and it was the most fun we had in years...

On top of that we were in the MA against like 8 or 10 guys and had a great time...if you can fight 100 people at one time and have fun have at it...

The problem with low numbers is that HTC will not continue to support a project that isn't profitable and 10 people in the DA just won't cut it.
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