Thats telling them to crawl over salted glass while you wash your hands of them. The point of FESS's discussion is to remove our kick-em off the cliff to swim or die crapping on these kinds of conversations. Some one like you always ended the previous years of attempts by crapping on the whole idea and they had to keep crawling on the glass. It does not matter if they play all games by hopping in and running into walls for their own stupidity. There are very few games as brutal as ours to that kind of play style. Even Chuck Norris when he was first learning Taekwondo while he was in the service stationed in Korea got his rear end kicked daily in the beginning. Him being a non Korean, they could have thrown him off tall enough cliffs during his first month and history today would be different. They didn't pull a Shuffler school of eat it and die kiddy on him.
Small regular encouragements for effort are now an embedded part of the structure of the games gamers are staying with and expect to receive. To old farts like us, the idea of getting a pat on the back every time we blow up a few buildings and get landed successfully, is grounds for telling Hitech and everyone on 200 a profanity laced screw you. Heck I turned off the achievement stars in favor of a better alphabetical roster sorting. Recently I was told I have 3 stars, OK, what does that even mean?? But, to younger gamers, it's an expected part of "encouragement for effort" that FESS is trying to talk about.