Author Topic: Dark Man Cometh???  (Read 129692 times)

Offline OldNitro

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #225 on: March 01, 2020, 08:35:11 AM »
If you don't believe in it, it won't hurt ya...
Go ahead, roll with that.. :aok

Everybody just party down with the Wuhan 2 step,  :banana:

New cases verified in Ecuador, and Ireland..
Both traveled by Commercial Airline, before they were diagnosed..

« Last Edit: March 01, 2020, 08:39:29 AM by OldNitro »

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #226 on: March 01, 2020, 09:33:21 AM »
You can put words in other folks mouths and make up whatever you want.

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Offline CptTrips

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #227 on: March 01, 2020, 09:53:01 AM »
I don't trust folks on either side of the virus talk. I personally know not one person with the virus.


I don't personally know anyone who has died in a car wreck. 
That doesn't mean 36,000 people in the US don't die of traffic fatalities a year.
Or maybe that is just government disinformation?  Maybe no one has ever died in a car wreck?

BTW, current estimate for a vaccine is 12-18 months away.  I deal with "estimates" every day.  That really probably means 24 months at a minimum. 

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline OldNitro

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #228 on: March 01, 2020, 10:02:25 AM »
New case in Chicago..

Verified case in Rhode Island..

Kim Jung Un, threatens to execute members of
the Politburo if they fail to halt the Kung Flu..

Louvre Museum Closed..

Pope too sick for Church services..

VP Pence says more deaths coming in US..

« Last Edit: March 01, 2020, 10:10:59 AM by OldNitro »

Offline icepac

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #229 on: March 01, 2020, 10:48:18 AM »
I'm curious if coronavirus has (or could) affect the power grid.

Offline OldNitro

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #230 on: March 01, 2020, 10:58:55 AM »
I'm curious if coronavirus has (or could) affect the power grid.

From vid in the hardest hit areas in China..
The lights are still on..

Power generation is down, because of lost demand..
All the slave factories closed I'd guess..

Offline Busher

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #231 on: March 01, 2020, 11:20:22 AM »
Viruses are the most common organism in the world. Viruses co-exist with life wherever it occurs. When infected by a virus, a host cell is forced to produce thousands of identical copies of the original virus at an extraordinary rate.

Vaccines do not kill viruses; they prevent the spread of diseases caused by the virus. Their use has resulted in the eradication of smallpox and a dramatic decline in illness and death caused by infections such as polio, measles, mumps and rubella.

Antiviral drugs do not kill viruses; the drugs stop the virus from reproducing and the interferon kills any remaining infected cells.

Laying blame upon a given population is self-serving and counter productive. This outbreak could have just as easily arisen in South Dakota.

As brilliant as Mike Pence might be, politicians won't solve this. Hopefully countless virologists and microbiologists worldwide are co-operating to find a vaccine to prevent the spread and an antiviral to save those infected.

Laying blame is likely less effective than saying a prayer that you and yours are not infected.
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Offline Oldman731

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #232 on: March 01, 2020, 01:05:30 PM »

Offline redcatcherb412

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #233 on: March 01, 2020, 01:16:44 PM »
Trying to remember if the last administration got this much blame and heat after the H1N1 Pandemic that started in April 2009.  It took that administration until October, 7 months later and over 1,000 confirmed deaths before they even declared a national health emergency.  At least the health emergency declaration this time came from DC over a month ago before any deaths, and the first death just the other day.
Ground Pounders ...

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #234 on: March 01, 2020, 02:29:44 PM »
Numerology is almost entirely hokum.  It is a way to dupe people who don't know probability and statistics into thinking something is there.

Keep in mind two things:  (1) that lots of supposed article titles and supposed facts spouted in the world are fake and (2) that you can find some repeated number in lots of different things.  Especially numbers like 25, 33, 50, etc. -- i.e., 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, etc. -- which people often round to.

For example, I just now did a search on duckduckgo for "50 coronavirus".  I get stuff like this:
Washington state testing over 50 people for coronavirus
Brent Crude Drops Below $50 as Coronavirus Spreads Around World
Coronavirus reaches 50 countries, including 1st in sub-Saharan Africa
Coronavirus is crushing Samsung's Galaxy S20 launch, with sales down 50%
50 people in Riverside County self-quarantine as coronavirus concerns mount
Coronavirus is Scary. But The World's First Pandemic Might Have Killed 50 Million People

and many more.

You are skeptical of stuff spouted by the government and main-stream media.  I am, too.  Lots of agendas, enormous partisanship, and people lying their tulips off.

Yet you are not at all skeptical of stuff spouted by crackpot outlets, where there are . . . lots of agendas, enormous partisanship, and people lying their tulips off.

For example, you are rightly skeptical of government statements because you can see motivations for them to lie about it.  But you weren't skeptical of some unknown supposed newspaper article out of Africa citing an opposition candidate who is accusing his opposition of a plot to make citizens sterile (a bit of an agenda there, and a dubious citation); or of some guy's numerology video on youtube, with many headlines missing reference information (so could be fake, and you can find some dude on youtube spouting anything); or of a supposedly scientific article but where the lead author is an arts and humanities professor and the work is citing supposed findings of a religious proselytizing group with an obvious agenda; or of an anti-vaccine article that is purely innuendo.

Why be skeptical of mainstream crap yet swallow crackpot crap without a second thought?

While you are very logical here, you must not have studied the #33. There is a deeper meaning behind the #33 and it cant just be "well it's just a # used all of the time." There is a reason for that.

I don't just swallow crackpot crap. There were multiple stories written about the Kenya stuff. All I am saying is that quick vaccines like this can have unintended consequences. I am not convinced that it never happened and that it was all just fake, however, its hard to trust the catholic church as well.  The Mainstream and powers that be do an excellent job of saying anything that isn't theirs is fake or untrue. Anything written against them is untrue. They have the money to squash it or delete accounts. Thousands of accounts have been deleted for exposing them.  They have the power to manipulate media and social media companies. Its very difficult to manipulate individual researchers who expose this stuff. When I see multiple stories with the #33 in them related to Corona virus and this video proves it, that to me sounds like the crackpots are the MSM. 33 is a very significant # in the occult. It's not a standard round up #. 33 is an individual #. I see it in MSM stories all the time. The highest level of masonry is a 33rd degree freemason. Why is that? These articles are a dog whistle if you ask me.

Have you studied the symbolism with a lot of these organizations? Symbols that go back to Ancient Egypt. They use them for a reason. This virus is an agenda and it's been planned by Bill Gates and the UN who literally had meetings about it months before it happened. Dean Koontz wrote a book about it happening in Wuhan in the year 2020. Simpson's predicted Corona virus in the year 2020. Predictive programming is a concept of the cabal. If you  dont think a Cabal exist, just look at the MSM music industry with the left hand eye covering, the triangle symbolism, the abuse, and the obvious MKultra techniques that have been used on them. Almost every new age musician has been sexually abused. They are puppets designed to persuade children into evil acts at early ages such as drugs and sex. Notice how most of them support the democrat party? JayZ, beyonce, Eminem, snoop dog ect. Almost all of Hollywood.  I'm telling you that while you think it's all just whooohah, there is a deeper meaning and control behind it. It's the same cabal that controls all of this stuff. That is why they consistently attack Trump and Pence saying they aren't doing anything and are spreading fear in order to make them look bad rather than be nice and work together to make sure it doednt spread. If you ask me. The dems who are controlled by this cabal are hoping that more cases pop up. They want to have a mass outbreak to make Republicans look bad. Theres a reason why they are spreading in only liberal states. I don't trust these people.

Nurmerology is used in Masonry and Kabbalah. I have seen  many videos and examples of how it's used. #s are very important to these people. I have done a lot of research into this stuff. While you may consider them crackpots. I believe there is something to it. Secret societies like the Masons are very powerful. They have powerful people in their ranks. JFK even expressed that. Bush and Kerry were in Skull and Bones. I don't believe it's all a coincidence.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2020, 02:35:13 PM by DmonSlyr »
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Offline Brooke

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #235 on: March 01, 2020, 03:38:15 PM »
If numerology has any meat to it, then it conveys information or is predictive.  If so, there is then some market somewhere in which it can be used to make money.

If that's true, let me know, and I'll tell you how to trade on it, and you can let us know when the technique hits $1 million in trading profits.

Numerology used in religions or the like (including Freemasonry and the Kabbalah) is not any indication that it is more than fictional.

Now, are there groups of people who can use whatever (numbers, particular words, gestures, etc.) to convey to others that they are part of a group?  Sure.  (Like in the Prisoner, with it's "be seeing you" gesture.  What a great series that was.)  But that doesn't give the particular word or number or symbol any special predictive power.

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #236 on: March 01, 2020, 04:32:22 PM »
The Mainstream and powers that be do an excellent job of saying anything that isn't theirs is fake or untrue.


It works the other way, too, though:  fringe claims that anything contradicting their stuff is fake or untrue.

These days, everything is part of some faction with an agenda.  Everything is partisan.

This virus is an agenda and it's been planned by Bill Gates and the UN who literally had meetings about it months before it happened. Dean Koontz wrote a book about it happening in Wuhan in the year 2020. Simpson's predicted Corona virus in the year 2020.

The world is full of coincidental stuff like that.  You have only to look for it, and you can find it in lots of cases.

There are two main infectious diseases fiction is most likely to pick from:  Ebola and coronavirus.  Ebola for obvious reasons (such as in the movie Outbreak).  Coronavirus because past big scares of highly contagious, airborne, deadly viruses were coronaviruses, such as SARS and MERS.  Ebolaviruses, SARS, MERS, and now our recent SARS-CoV-2 all got their start in bats.  Also, a lot of dangerous infectious diseases originate in Africa and China.  The (in my opinion) best movie to date on pandemics -- Contagion -- is about such a virus originating from bats in Hong Kong.

I highly doubt that Simpsons writers or Dean Koontz have any special knowledge of the future.

They are puppets designed to persuade children into evil acts at early ages such as drugs and sex. Notice how most of them support the democrat party? JayZ, beyonce, Eminem, snoop dog ect. Almost all of Hollywood.  That is why they consistently attack Trump and Pence

In our country, broadly speaking, there is the left and the right, and they are battling it out in an ideological war.  It isn't mysterious.  Left-leaning people are the majority in entertainment, education, media, and big Internet.  They use that to try to sway others with what perhaps most of them see as "the truth," but that I and you see as propaganda and indoctrination.  You can call it "a cabal."  They can call the other side "a cabal."  But it is simply two sides fighting an ideological war that is getting nasty.  Each side has its overt and covert members, its powerful and its normal people, etc., which is to be expected in any big conflict.

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #237 on: March 02, 2020, 07:38:12 AM »
I just don't see how these cases could be popping up all of the sudden. ...

The virus has been around since November at least if not longer and most cases are mild so people think they have a cold or the regular flu. It was only the high incidence of pneumonia in the serious cases that tipped off doctors to the new virus. People have been spreading this from China for 3 months already.  Anyone with a mild case a month ago would have considered it a cold and gone to work.

Offline Arlo

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #238 on: March 02, 2020, 08:54:53 AM »

Offline rabbidrabbit

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #239 on: March 02, 2020, 09:21:55 AM »
Brooke, I gotta admire your willingness to reason with the unreasonable.