Author Topic: Vr vs track ir  (Read 13246 times)

Offline Drano

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Re: Vr vs track ir
« Reply #75 on: September 15, 2024, 08:26:23 AM »
There are two different flavors of NeckSafer. Both of which are a total neck saver for a lot of VR games. It's not compatible with everything tho. VRNecksafer and XRNecksafer. VRNecksafer works in SteamVR only. XRNecksafer works with OpenXR (OpencompositeVR) only. They aren't interchangeable so keep in mind which VR environment you're trying to use them with.

The VR version was the original. Guy that developed it is an IL2 player. Installing it is a bit of a trick as it has no installer. You're adding registry entries, etc. manually. No VR hat views in IL2 like there are in AH. It was a big help. This version allowed you to look left and right in little steps you had to configure to your liking in the app. The steps were a bit immersion breaking but still far better to be able to look around finally. It was a major limitation for the VR players and really leveled the field. So, no verticle steps tho, you still had to physically look way up, and not smooth like TIR. The verticle part was apparently a limitation of SteamVR. You could also map buttons/keys to center or look left and right or hold.

The XR version was his next gen once OpencompositeVR came out. Easy to install with its own installer. With that you could fly IL2 using OpenXR which basically tricks SteamVR. You could then run SteamVR games without running SteamVR! Better performance without that overhead bloat. Cool! So with the XR version the Steam limitations were gone. This one allowed config much like TIR was with smooth views all around and in the verticle too. It's perfect. I've heard of peeps having issues with it not centering in DCS.

Sadly, even after I'd spent a couple of hours one day with the Opencomposite developer we just couldn't get AH to run with it, so AH is stuck with SteamVR and the VR version. A lot of older VR games and even some newer ones won't run on it. I had VRNecksafer running great in AH for a while but I think some update to SteamVR broke it. I can center the view but when I look left or right my view won't return and I have to recenter every time. Haven't messed with AH in a while so I never got to the bottom of that.

Hope this helps.

I remember a guy used to say that a lot.

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Offline diaster

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Re: Vr vs track ir
« Reply #76 on: October 26, 2024, 01:56:08 PM »
I know it has been a while, but I had my two cents into here. I have been using track AR for almost 20 years. And as such, I found it very, very useful recently I started using a reverb G2, and then upgraded to the quest three and in my opinion, there is no comparison to feel of being actual aircraft and being able to judge distance and angles is beyond track IR.. to resolve the neck training issues on my left throttle. I have a button that when I pull back on the button, it switches me to the “look back“ view. I then when I lift the button up, it gives me look left when I push the button down it gives me look right, so I don’t have to train my neck at all. Someone’s on my six I use the back view in and I just moved my head very little left or right .

I also use voice attack to set salvo and other things, like check damage. Starting th game is easy. Start voice attack put on head set, click play aces high, click on use vr in game “on the monitor” center view in aces high startup, log into game. i have to say, beats g2 in every way. Only issue is now and then it pauses the game (freezes) in headset but game continues. i have to removed and replace the headset to get the video t restart in headset. Sometimes this results in ctd,have given a few proxies away this way. Worth it though.

I wish we could use open r toolkit with aces high.

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Offline evilseed

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Re: Vr vs track ir
« Reply #77 on: January 29, 2025, 02:06:28 PM »
I know this is coming in late, but I’ve been having major issues with my mouse pointer. The mouse button gets disabled. I’m using an HP reverb and I have to go cycle. The actual hand controllers a few times

IIRC there was a WMR keybind that would switch between game-friendly mode and MS's goofy vision for 3D office work that would take over the mouse.