I recently had a similar issue. I'm using a RiftS. Different HMD and different brand, I know. Maybe there's some commonality tho. Drove me nuts. Thought my USB hub was flaking out. Plugged in directly didn't fix it. Ruled that out. What I found after some Google was that the Oculus software didn't play well with others. Particularly, any sort of monitoring programs or lighting software. I use aida64 and have for years across a couple of builds. That's one it doesn't like. HWMonitor is another one. This is a new PC and I put some pretty LED fans in it and an AIO PC cooler. They're controlled by Corsair iCue. That's one it doesn't like. My mobo has lights on it. Asus Aura. Another one. My GPU has lights on it. MSI Mystic Light. Another one. I run MSI Afterburner to monitor and overclock the GPU. I had some additional items tied into it's monitoring graphs that pulled info from aida64. I have another little LCD panel I use like a little dashboard that pulls info from aida64. Another suspect but not on the list.
With all that crap running I didn't have any problems generally with performance, however, I'd get odd random freezes in games. For all I know they were happening all the time but you might not notice them at the desktop. They'd last maybe a half sec. When these occurred I'd also get commands that would drop flaps or gear or dive flaps. Set my throttle to like 10%. Really annoying!
Tested this by sitting on the runway offline and waited for the glitch. Killed a process and waited. Killed another and waited. Got it to happen rarely rather than every minute or so of ever few seconds at random. Not totally removed but here's why.
I was reluctant to kill iCue because of the AIO control, but put in a straight fan control and static lighting for when gaming I enable manually that's not generally looking at anything to react to. But iCue does monitor a bunch of things. I have a headset on after all. Not like I'm looking at the pretty lights! Not killing Afterburner as I need it for the GPU and have a fan curve enabled for better cooling, although I did remove the items it was pulling from aida64 for it's graphs. Killed the MSI lighting, aida64, the LCD panel software. I set all those that were causing a conflict to not start with windows whether in the software or in windows services.
So the common thread with mine was aida64 as I had it tied into some other goodies I'm using. After tweaking these I'm not having these odd glitches, which I was also having in other games which ruled out an AH only issue.
Anyway that's something that might help you. Gotta figure all these headsets at their basic level work in much the same way so might be a common thread. Give it a try.
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