Author Topic: God bless Texas  (Read 30602 times)

Offline Toad

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Re: God bless Texas
« Reply #60 on: December 13, 2020, 10:54:12 PM »'t the Civil War sort of resolve that issue...?

- oldman (I mean, Jefferson and Adams had been dead for some years by then)

They may have been dead but the Constitution they helped create was still in effect.
The power to prevent secession is NOT granted to the federal government and the right to secede is NOT prohibited to the States under our Constitution. So See the 10th Amendment.

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Offline guncrasher

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Re: God bless Texas
« Reply #61 on: December 13, 2020, 11:06:36 PM »
They may have been dead but the Constitution they helped create was still in effect.
The power to prevent secession is NOT granted to the federal government and the right to secede is NOT prohibited to the States under our Constitution. So See the 10th Amendment.

question was settled in texas v white.  look that up.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Shuffler

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Re: God bless Texas
« Reply #62 on: December 14, 2020, 12:05:17 AM »
Those "liberal sewer holes" you reference, hold up the country. That does not make them any more, or less, important than flyover country, because we are all Americans.  There is only one side that doesn't wish that to be the case.

This conservative ideology of "I want it my way, every day" is getting tiring.  You will form your own circular firing squad, after you have no liberals to blame for your misfortunes, when you realize that yes, California and New York really are a good proportion of the GDP of the United States, and suddenly you are living in a third world country again.  Your hate of your own fellow citizens will only serve to be your own undoing.  So, go back to 1952.... or 1592 if you wish.  The rest of us will move on without lament.  We're far too tired of supporting you.

You have it backwards. Disagree with the socialist and they will loot and burn down your home and business. Then they do not want the police involved to protect their criminal activity.
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Re: God bless Texas
« Reply #63 on: December 14, 2020, 12:45:24 AM »
You have it backwards. Disagree with the socialist and they will loot and burn down your home and business. Then they do not want the police involved to protect their criminal activity.

in California 6m voted for Trump, 11m for biden.  you think by now there would be millions of homes and businesses burnt down.

most of my friends are Trump supporters, we sit around and have a beer, sometimes we talk politics but we do it as grownups.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline MORAY37

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Re: God bless Texas
« Reply #64 on: December 14, 2020, 02:49:26 AM »
You have it backwards. Disagree with the socialist and they will loot and burn down your home and business. Then they do not want the police involved to protect their criminal activity.

Oh, throw out the big, scary "Socialist" word.  Do you blow the dog whistle when you type it or does the computer simply do it for you by now? 

Is it an app?  Does it come with the Newsmax subscription or is it extra?
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: God bless Texas
« Reply #65 on: December 14, 2020, 06:16:37 AM »
in California 6m voted for Trump, 11m for biden.  you think by now there would be millions of homes and businesses burnt down.

most of my friends are Trump supporters, we sit around and have a beer, sometimes we talk politics but we do it as grownups.


So ignore it till there are millions. Let someone else take care of it.  Stay part of the problem.
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: God bless Texas
« Reply #66 on: December 14, 2020, 06:17:46 AM »
Oh, throw out the big, scary "Socialist" word.  Do you blow the dog whistle when you type it or does the computer simply do it for you by now? 

Is it an app?  Does it come with the Newsmax subscription or is it extra?

The blind.leading the blind.
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Offline Eagler

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Re: God bless Texas
« Reply #67 on: December 14, 2020, 07:15:50 AM »
Poke enough and the crazy left exposes itself eh Moray?

You add up the last four years and it is all very crazy and scary for the nation if not the globe

IMO it started with covering up hillarys top secret email server setup in an unsecure treasonous location.

Went off the rails when Trump won in 2016 with the durham report and wasted millions on the russian hoax

The medias crying when he won and the hate and bias ever since in their reporting

Ignoring hunter biden and the biden crime family corruption for the entire year until after the election..

And now the undeniable vast voter fraud....

The country is toast if this is not brought to light and fully investigated

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Offline Toad

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Re: God bless Texas
« Reply #68 on: December 14, 2020, 09:38:15 AM »
question was settled in texas v white.  look that up.

Been there, done that a long time ago.

For you:

Dred Scott Decision (ruling black people aren't citizens); look that up.
Plessy v Furguson (allowing separate-but-equal); look that up.
Korematsu v United States (upholding Japanese internment camps); look that up.

The idea that every SC decision is correct and in accordance with the US Constitution has been disproven repeatedly. Texas v White is just one more example like the ones listed above.

Why was Texas v White an incorrect decision? Because of the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Study the Constitution all you like, bring in any learned scholar you like but no one can find a Constitutional prohibition on secession, nor will anyone find a Constitutional sanction of any kind allowing federal coercion to force a state to remain in a perpetual union.

Virginia, New York and Rhode Island all conditionally ratified the Constitution. Virginia was the first state to state explicitly that she would only ratify the Constitution as long as she reserved the right to leave the Union so created by it. Both New York and Rhode Island attached essentially the same condition to their ratification. This brings Compact Law into the discussion. This condition now applied to every state in the Compact.

In fact, as has been shown above, neither Adams nor Jefferson held that the Union was a perpetual Hotel California, where once you check in you can never leave.

Further yet, look to the KEY Founding Document, the Declaration of Independence:

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

The USA came into being by seceding from Great Britain. The can be no doubt, especially after reading the Declaration, that our Founders believed the people had the right to secede.

Also from the Declaration:

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

I believe the time has arrived to separate.

The question is will the despots allow a peaceful separation. No one wants another Civil War I would hope.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: God bless Texas
« Reply #69 on: December 14, 2020, 09:47:43 AM »
Poke enough and the crazy left exposes itself eh Moray?

You add up the last four years and it is all very crazy and scary for the nation if not the globe

IMO it started with covering up hillarys top secret email server setup in an unsecure treasonous location.

Went off the rails when Trump won in 2016 with the durham report and wasted millions on the russian hoax

The medias crying when he won and the hate and bias ever since in their reporting

Ignoring hunter biden and the biden crime family corruption for the entire year until after the election..

And now the undeniable vast voter fraud....

The country is toast if this is not brought to light and fully investigated


The last 4 years is why i am as outspoken as I am. I have been doing a lot of research into this stuff since then. I was blown away by how they were treating Trump. That's when I realized the NWO agenda being pushed by the UN was real. And I realized that the UN had turned on America. When all of the media organizations started pushing russiagate, that's when I knew we were at war. I could see the beginning of it when they started calling us white supremacist nazis inorder to make us the enemy, so when the fighting war comes, they will use UN Nato troops to invade America and "destroy the nazis again".

Its been the greatest trick of reverse psychology the world has ever seen. Conservatives are no where close to being the nazi ideology. Yet all of these leftest lunatics scream it us anyway. Nazis were anti religious and had a full government manifesto just like the current left do today. They are using fear and intimidation to get us to bend to their global order. Just like the Nazis wanted. They perfected MK ultra with Nazi doctors from project paperclip so that they could manipulate celebrities to push the agenda and try to psychology make us their subjects, rather than use force like the nazis did. Now that many Americans are woken up to this deception by Q and Trump team, forcing the left to come out and admit their plan, yoi can see how angry and vitriolic they are, even to cheat during the election every which way from Sunday to put their puppet in the white house so they can rein in agenda 21 using America as the power force.

Your deflections only shed more light on the truth of the matter. Please seek professional help, as soon as possible.

Comments like this prove they are hiding their agenda. Accusing me of what he is doing. This is a strong indication of a disinformation shill because they will not acknowledge a real agenda being spoken by their own leaders. This is why we cannot have rational conversations with the left anymore.

For the record. Id rather keep our 50 states rather than succeed.  America will not be as powerful with a split nation, and China will take over the western states, then use them as a launching pad. We cannot allow that to happen. Our military must take down any actors working with China whether they are in government or not.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2020, 09:51:20 AM by DmonSlyr »
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Re: God bless Texas
« Reply #70 on: December 14, 2020, 09:49:50 AM »
I can't keep up at the moment so see rule changes.
Note it applies to this forum only.

Offline Eagler

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Re: God bless Texas
« Reply #71 on: December 14, 2020, 10:05:16 AM »
Thank you HT!!!

I believe this subject should be dicussed as civil as possible and by as wide an audience as possible as it is HUGE and the next few weeks will be historic whichever way it and the nation goes.

I will refrain from posting in the other threads as they all now relate to this one at the basic level.


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Offline Toad

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Re: God bless Texas
« Reply #72 on: December 14, 2020, 10:34:12 AM »
New rule changes? Are we out of bounds here?

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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: God bless Texas
« Reply #73 on: December 14, 2020, 10:37:29 AM »
Someone is correct in that this thread had "exposed" the crazies, but it's not the left.  The Democrats aren't the ones trying to steal the elections by crying fraud.  It is strange that in not one court case alleging wide spread voter fraud, has Trump and his sycophants have been victorious.  In all cases that were thrown out, judges cited lack of any sort of credible evidence.

As as registered member of the Republican Party these last 32 years, I am embarrassed and ashamed that the party of Lincoln and Reagan has been dragged through the mud by Trump and his blind followers that are willing to destroy our electoral process just because his ego can't take losing.  But at least I can look myself in the mirror each morning, something the blind Trump followers can't.
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Offline Toad

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Re: God bless Texas
« Reply #74 on: December 14, 2020, 10:59:42 AM »
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!