Online I'm currently focusing on building stick time with bombers. What happens is that when I advance the throttles on a B26 or a B24, if I don't work my rudder pedals carefully, I wind up off the runway almost immediately. Trying to taxi back onto the runway is impossible, so I end up ending that sortie and starting all over. Currently my sliders for my rudder are set about about 20% at the left side, moving gradually up to about 45% on the right side. My deadband and damper are set to about 20% each. Also, my joystick is a Thrustmaser stick/throttle with Hotas pedals. I don't know if that makes a difference.
Sometimes, my third or fourth attempt, I'm able, by slowly advancing my throttles until I'm at about 35-40 mph and then pushing them forward. However, i know from experience this is not the true path to happiness when flying a B24.
Should I adjust my sliders some more or just go back to 100% across the board and tweak my rudder with the deadband and damper?
OR, alternatively, is this a quirk of the B26 I just need to learn to handle? I do know that a good bomber stick doesn't always translate to a good fighter stick, but right now my fighter stick time is all offline and my challenges there deal more with controlling my airspeed to deal with the slow paced, circling drones.
Any help will be appreciated and thanks in advance.