Hate to see you go Peanut, while we have had our disagreements on some minor issues, I still consider you a friend and some one I enjoyed being around, and a good team mate. Good luck in what ever venue you enter, and remember the good times and learn from the bad times.
I think ol Peanut had 1 too many last night and had a moment ...
Howdy, Buddy! Hope you are correct! We have lost too many players/Targets!
... Take what you can get and make it better with you there
NOOOOOOO!! I have really enjoyed flying and occasionally fighting you, I hope you reconsider brother, you are a great addition to this game. <<S>> ULDieter
IKR!!! "Par, this peanut...he seems to be MY sort of Crazy?" DIETER..you have a kid I dont know about? "EH UR UH He makes me wonder? " TRUE CONVERSATION!!!! "Par? Frosty is in his Squad?". YES SIR!!! "I am wondering...Peanut..........."? I won,t tell Suze LOL