Author Topic: Don't move your controller to rapidly  (Read 2707 times)

Offline BuzzLightyear

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Re: Don't move your controller to rapidly
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2022, 04:27:31 AM »
Jesus Buzz have you proposed to your touch controllers yet?  Met their parents?  Are you planning on touch controller babies in the near future?

If you're so in love with the damn things go play a game that caters to them.  You currently get to play.  I currently do not.  Granted that's by personal choice until I have the system, the gear, and the practice time to feel worth a damn now that my finances are coming up but when in Rome dude.  This game caters to sticks etc.  That's just the way it is.  Live with it or boogie on down the road but for the love of God quit squeaking about it. 

I just re read your posts because I'm bored off my bellybutton and even being out of the game for a decade all I can hear is 'wah wah wah.. I'm not getting my way so I'm going to throw a fit'. 

And when you get called out you get defensive as hell.  What are you?  12?  Grow up dude.

 When I get called out I get defensive?? Get called out on what specifically? What triggers me is the bias and rather ignorant comments from people that spent zero credible time using touch to fly to even make a contribution to the topic let alone have an actual educated understanding of the issue. I disagree that "the game caters to sticks" because it clearly does not. mouse flyers, keyboard flyers.  Telling me that touch controllers suck is just ignorant and does absolutely nothing positive for the topic. I fly under the game id OneTen these days and outfly, outmaneuver and outgun every one of you in here telling me how bad touch sucks. AND I'm doing it in a BF110.
If I'm being brutally honest as usual, If you don't have minimum 1 month straight flying with touch controllers then you have no business even commenting. Why would you comment on something that you don't experience, understand or have anything constructive to offer? And you tell me to grow up? What is this, the playground where the dumb bully's pick on the smart kids?
And heck, while we are at it.. If it wasn't for ALL YOU ACES OF MELEE trying to game the game and exploit any flaw you can find to make up for your lack of skill then stick stirring aka floppy fish aka HOTAS masturbation aka gayest tactic in the game then Dale wouldn't have had to put in that gayest code in the game of "dont stick stir".
Still, not a single one of you haters has answered MY question. How in the Heck is using a HOTAS flight STICK.. S T I C K to fly a plane with a yoke realistic or even fair?
Don't just say touch sucks because you didn't take more that 5 minutes with them. At the end of the day the problem still remains, I can't fly some of my favorite planes because of a damn simple proximity issue. Come to Melee, check the roster and if you see OneTen online call me out and test my skill. I'm calling you all out. I may be a dik but Im an honest dik. Also, I fly auto country select now so I might shoot you down one sortie then get switched and fly your wing the next sortie. Know this, I'll fight just as hard on your wing as i do on your six.

Offline nrshida

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Re: Don't move your controller to rapidly
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2022, 04:53:57 AM »
What's he saying?  :old:
“everyone  deserves a 2nd chance”. Dale ‘HiTech’ Adink - 16th November 2023

Offline Dichotomy

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Re: Don't move your controller to rapidly
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2022, 10:34:02 AM »
I don't know.  After that text wall I'm going to need the cliff notes. 

Buzz you've been given good advice from some of the best players in the game.  Guys I've been associated with for what guys 15? 20 years?.  Can't say they're all 'buddies' but I respect their knowledge and every single one of them are willing to share their experience with a new guy or an old guy to help them become a better 'enemy' or 'friend' depending on the circumstance. 

It's your choice to follow their advice or go your own way and try to make it work for you.

I wish you the best luck either way.
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

Offline Vulcan

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Re: Don't move your controller to rapidly
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2022, 06:49:24 PM »
Still, not a single one of you haters has answered MY question. How in the Heck is using a HOTAS flight STICK.. S T I C K to fly a plane with a yoke realistic or even fair?

I don't care if it's realistic or fair. All I care about is that it triggers some some of meltdown in your head which results entertainment for me (and others I suspect).