I do not get involved in political discussions here for many reasons. One is that I find most people here incapable of having the type of discussion I wish to have. The level of intellect and legitimate knowledge about political science and economics is wanting. An obvious deterrent for me is that it is against the rules. Having incriminated myself, I will continue to my point.
Liberalism is a funny word. In your sentence, it seems to be broad. But, it can be quite specific. Many Americans see Democrats as liberals. That's fair to a point, but the relationship is an umbrella. Like rectangles, Democrats are many shapes under a common umbrella. This is the downfall and the shortcomings of a bicameral system. There are many factions in both parties and many factions in the Democratic party despise the neoliberal movement because of its attachment to free enterprise as it pertains to liberties, among many others. The entire American population is liberal on some level. Think about the original ideas of liberalism and who was perpetuating it: Locke, Montesquieu, Madison, Jefferson (in many aspects but not all), Hobson, Constant. What exists now in American politics is not the same for we have achieved it. This is a liberal country where people have protected liberties and are represented properly. The "ideology" you mention and are referring to is what we call neoliberalism. It goes steps further than the simple ideas of due process, freedom of press, and social services.
On an economic and ideological level, neoliberalism is indeed destroying the state. Less regulation in the market, less state functionality in public sectors (which essentially means privatization of public institutions), all justified by the concept of freedom and application of said concept on an economic level. In what way is that leftist? That's not where my left-leaning tendencies take me. More capitalism is not what I signed up for yet much of the Democratic Party is neoliberal. In many areas, the most conservative economic models are aligned with neoliberal models (privatization, unregulated markets, tax cuts up top, basically all the fundamental Reaganomic foundations). For economically savvy Americans the problem is not one side or the other, it is both. So long as the wealthy are in control of policy, the lower class will get lower and the middle will continue to disappear.
Yet, people get all wound up about rights and liberties, inclusion, etc. Those are not pressing issues at all. People who are oppressive will get punished and that will always be the case. The issue is the dollar and how it makes its way around our country.
I agree with a lot of what you are saying. It's not just one side or the other, black and white, all the time.
For the most part, Democrats and the people in power on that side support and promote issues and agendas that I oppose. It's that simple. There are basically only two sides in American politics and even though no side is all good or bad, I haver to choose a side. I base my views on issues and what affects me.
I do not like politics.
On political discussion, I feel that it's fine when people are rational and mature enough to make actual points and arguments. A lot of people can't do that though.
I have run a forum since 2008. I allow people to say what they want. even about me. I have tough skin and high tolerance. I think only three people have been banned in 14 years. I think that when people want to shut other opinions down we all lose. You do have to put up with a lot of garbage in allowing that though.