Is skyyr really that influential to you guys to your game play?
Hello scott66. I hope you are well, sir.
With reference that your (pre-edit) comment that you don't get it, I thought I'd take a moment to try to enlighten you, and some others, on what myself and several others players have to put up with now that Skyyr no longer tries to be ingonito, is as brazen as ever, and has recruited other, similarly-minded "kill=win" types to join in his efforts.
Imagine, if you will, that every time you log on for your all-to-limited moments of leisure, to be immediately harrassed and antagonized by another player, or players. Keep in mind that the aforementioned uses nefarious methods, including cross-country 3rd party comms and multiple accounts, to stalk certain individuals. He will switch sides, or fly across entire countries in order to be able to hunt his obsessions.
It is very obvious to me, since as soon as my presence is announced via the kill or chat log, invariably there is a 400kts+ 190/La7 screaming down towards me, bypassing numerous other legitimate and often more dangerous targets, spraying cannons in my general direction.
Without getting into the various methods by which he can pinpoint which plane I am approximately or even specifically, you might think that I could just move to a different part of the map, or fly something other than an F4U. Perhaps climb over 20k from back field... maybe switch skins, or go GVing. Isn't having to do that that the very essence of "affecting my gameplay"?
Now don't get me wrong. I am all for the fights, and especially enjoy engagements with players that are equal to or better than me. But we are not talking about 1v1, co-alt duels here. We're talking getting vulched in a furball by a plane that you wouldn't expect to attack because it doesn't make situational sense, and to be shot in the face with cannons on every single merge. It makes it near impossible to actually get involved in the day-to-day MA furballs, because you know that the moment that you slow down or engage another plane, your stalker(s) will use that as their opportunity to take their pick.
Of course, once you have been shot down, your next sortie is disadvantaged and you're easy to track down again.
As a result, you cannot go about your normal business of having fun. You constantly have to prepare to engage these same people, and look over your shoulder for the planes that really should not be a threat, to go far out of their way to come after you.
The bottom line is that this person is obsessive, antagonistic, and from what I can surmise, sociopathic. No one wants to have to deal with that in any part of life, and certainly not during the time they make available to themselves for rest and relaxation. Throw in the fact that he is a persistant presence by playing hundreds of hours per month, it can obviously have a significant impact on one's enjoyment of the game.
As I've said before, I understand that sometimes people want revenge, and seeking out certain players for whatever reason is a common part of the game. But there comes a point where it is beyond reasonable, and becomes purely obsessive.
I won't get in to the demeaning people on YouTube, but I hope this helps you understand where I'm coming from, and one of the many reasons why I think this player should never have been allowed back in this game.