Poor Simon. Trying so desperately to be relevant and failing miserably.
Simon - no good.
Violator - no good.
Batfink - no good.
Skyyr - GOAT.
Okaaay! I think that's about cleared everything up now and you can have a rest in this advent period where we extend the (possibly somewhat fanciful) notion of peace and goodwill to all men*.
We don't you resubscribe and join us in looking forward to the possible sighting of Santa flying his sleigh around the MA dropping presents. I've only seen it once myself, being one of those unfashionable European Timezone-dwellers, as a passenger in my friend Pervert's Dora but it was a sight to behold. I do hope Dale can make it and if then not find a substitute (I volunteer!) - it's for the children really (we tell ourselves).
But generally an all round lightening up, Francis would probably be ideal. It's just a daft game after all, despite how much some align their egos behind it. Or am I completely mixing things up as usual and the ego is the main thing and the game just an irrlevant outlet for that?
*Historic cultural placeholder encompassing all people, naturally