Where did you find the info on the 4 CFI's?
Look at her videos. She even talks about much of it. The videos are being taken down, so you may not find them. She had videos with multiple CFI's showing them literally performing the requisite tasks for her, even repeating radio traffic from ATC, constantly.
I'm not by any stretch saying that she's without fault, she's not. I am just saying that she had a ton of "help" with her faults.
I'm not saying "all" CFI's are bad. But there has long been a problem with an inordinate amount of CFI's who are doing it to accumulate hours for their career. That's a terrible reason to instruct, possibly the worst. I've spent time teaching in my life, not teaching flying, but teaching other things that require a well developed skill set. Some that can get you and/or others hurt if you fail to get it right. Teaching of that nature is something that you should only do if the greatest reason by far is that you have a passion to teach, and pass on skills and knowledge.
A very wise pilot, who spent time as a CFI, once told me, "if you want to learn to fly, and you want to be safe and live, find yourself a CFI in his forties or fifties, with horn rimmed glasses, and a passion for flying and teaching."