Who are you in ma?
Palace_Cobra is Vraciu's troll account. He uses it to fluff himself and his hero, and because his actual handle is on many people's ignore lists due to spamming PMs.
Of course he denies it, but it's more than obvious if you look at his posting history. The story tends to change, including his recent laughable insistence that PC/Vraciu are siblings.
Having the gall to post from a troll/shade/fluffer account that TheFugitive, of all people, lacks credibility is the icing on top of this sad Christmas fruitcake.
Now you may not recognize the handle Vraciu if you just play the game, as he's not really noticeable, and certainly not threatening or particularly memorable in any way.
Except if you tune to ch200, where you'll recognize his frequent, hours-long ranting meltdowns, along with his fantastical stories of dominance over the top players, comical claims that he's an Airbus commercial pilot, and constant boasting about things that never actually happened. It doesn't matter that what he says is easily disproven, so long as his target audience is impressed.
In fact, I am pretty sure that he led Seal Team Six in the assassination of Bin Laden, and once beat up Chuck Norris in a bar fight after he said something mean about his adolescent crush, Skyyr.
If you've ever crossed paths with him, and likely shot him down, his demands that you participate in a grudge match duel are also probably familiar. Just bear in mind that he'll be a no-show unless Skyyr is around on Discord to log in under his account to fight for him.
As far as his comments go, they're not really worth dignifying, since anyone that actually plays the game knows what's up.
Every village has it's Vraciu, and it's probably prudent to look upon it as comic relief, rather with the disdain or disgust that may come naturally. People with such a tenuous grip on reality can present a danger to themselves and others, so it's probably best to avoid them to keep your conscience clear.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to create another BBS account so I can agree with myself.