What 68 nations has the U.S. invaded in order to take and keep territory, and with no provocation?
You're kidding, right?
HERE is a comprehensive list of US military occupation globally. In what reality does this not constitute territorial expansion?
Comparison with Russian invasions through all her history:
Keep in mind, Russia is over 850 years old. America just under 250 years old.
Now just to highlight that I'm not just trying to bash 'Murica. Britain's invasions:
Naughty Britain. No! Bad Britain. Sit.
The problem with objective discussion is that the human psyche has an immune system much the same as it's biological counterpart. People hear something they don't want to accept. Despite the overwhelming evidence. The immune system kicks in to protect our fragile minds from collapsing under the weight of just how monumentally stupid and immature we all are as a species.
It is absolutely right to condemn the war in Ukraine. We should condemn all murder. No one with any sense is trying to justify a war. Any war.
But if we intend to take an interest in these subjects then it is essential to lose our national bias and try to look at things objectively.
Objectively speaking, NATO has been expanding eastwards for 80 some years now. NATO was created to directly combat a supposed Russian threat. That stupid woman went to an important meeting and publicly stated the aim of bringing Ukraine into the organisation that threatens Russian sovereignty more than any other on the planet. Provocation that no self respecting nation would take on the chin. USA would not accept that, UK would not accept that. Russia does not accept it. Obviously there are a multitude of complex systems that also contribute to conflicts globally.