To the best of my recollection & knowledge:
The Damned (original version) formed in Air Warrior in the late 1980's when the sim was offered by way of GeNIE. The founder and CO was named Ptero.
At which point AW was available vis Gamestorm on AOL, (circa 1996) the squad flourished in numbers. At which point AW was bought out by Electronic Arts (circa 2000 - 2001) who quickly killed it off (AW3) there were approx. 90 - 100 active members of The Damned. The squad motto = "Damned if we do; no fun if we don't"
After AH1 transitioned from Beta, The (original) Dammed approached Hitech Creations and convinced Dale to drop the subscription price from $29.95 to $14.95. The forementioned 90 - 100 active Damned formed 3 sub squads due to the 32 member limitation. They originally settled in Nit land, which had low numbers at that time. (Rooks dominated) Some months later we (I was DamnedMax back then) transitioned to Bishops, who at the time, were the low number country on the Totem Pole.
Mortal squad rivalries included Arabian Knights, LTAR'S and MAW. CO's : DamnedEgger, DamnedSilat & TC.
Thanks for your attention...and now, back to the FUSS

Fun times, indeed.