That sounds like something a modern journalist, with an agenda, would write. Maybe that's true for the few that had egos to maintain, but I would say the 1v8, race for the kill hordes, and general lame game play is what caused most to leave.
What kills me about players leaving bc lame game play is, compared to other sims where they go,….its worse. Frankly, there are irritants in every game, but I have a good time in AH, maybe because I’m not trying to be a pilot god. Different perspective.
The grass is not always greener, in fact, usually a myth.
One of those careful what ya wish for things.
The more people play, the more people play, the fun just goes up.
Even in relationships, ya get burned out on each other, split up, then ya try something else and start missing your ex, IF ya didn’t burn the whole bridge down.