This is about lag, not the player. The "why is he shooting at empty space and getting hits" has become more noticeable.
There have always been a broad range of global connections to the game, but it seems at some point the smoothing coad has apparently lost its efficacy compared to years past. Even back in 2008 I was connecting at 30-60 ms to the server. Today it's generally 30-40ms.
Getting hit by this kind of "that's not what I'm seeing, and I have no idea what the other guy is seeing" is why you often see me call out lagbois when they get lucky with their connect.
I mean, I'm sure he's seeing a valid shot on his end, but are we playing the same game here?
This kind of flies in the face of that collision logic of "what you see is what you get." It's also why sometimes only one side of a collision will be affected worse or even get a msg at all.
But I guess it is what it is these days.
Watch it in slowmo, use angles and views.