I have Starlink... and it's a long silly story. I also have ADSL (based on my Landline provider). IF my Starlink Antenna had an unobstructed view, Starlink is all I would have. For the Computer (Gaming), Starlink is not an option. The wife uses Roku via Starlink for TV and it seems to work fine given buffering & Starlinks very fast reconnect speed. I don't watch TV. I just don't. I didn't even have to wean myself off. Just found that anything worth watching on TV (which is very near nothing IMO), I can find in other ways.... and have a lot of control over it.
Bout to shut off Starlink but first I'm going to figure a way to mount the antenna at a different location on the roof without paying them $300 for a stupid pole on a V shaped mount. There's a chance, however slight, that there are no 100yr old Oaks in the way (already took one down). If there is, I'm really going to miss Starlink. If no obstructions, I'm sure it would be perfect. I've never had a "clear" view for the antenna... but, before I was in the service area proper, I could game up to an hour. The view area was almost all North. Once they got more Sats up and I got covered by the service area, the antenna view area opened up (at least to the West) and found a HUGE old Oak essentially blocking the Western sky, and now gaming is maybe 10min at best before a disco. So ya, in my world Starlink is fine for TV. Had both Direct & Dish over the years and you couldn't pay me to go back to either of them. Well, you could but it would be obnoxiously expensive.