You know as far as reason goes for the Ban .. Pick One! There were many.
It was kind of obvious there was public doxing going on the forums and a players personal information was being sent to people in Private Messages (Poorly kept secret). Private messages are NOT really private any way. Both the Recipient and Sender can report, screen shot, share, and forward messages to others. On top of that the platform owner and their admins/mods can pretty much look at anything you Send Receive and Delete pretty much any time they want to.
Lets not touch on all the Hate Mail poor Hitech got, for which I to contributed, and while I would love to be the complaint that broke the glass to the ban hammer, I was just a very tiny drop in a very big bucket.
As far as "Its" wingies go, I think only one really went all in with "It" like a little cultist and turned into "Its" very own version of Squeaky Fromme.
With "Its" absence most of these guys are fairly tame and not much of a problem. I hope they return to being fun players and decent members of the community. Poor Banshee as far as any one knows has been a fairly good to outstanding member of the community and is a great player. This community is also better than this so we should probably skip any potential witch hunts.
In-fact How about we just let Hitech Lock this baby after ever one gets their two cents in, move on, and have fun?
I personally plan on subbing for a month or two for a scenario that a few of that Damned want to do (and maybe others in the future). As soon as my kid and I build his new computer (Thanks to Eagler it's getting a 3070ti) I'm gunna try and get him into AH, He's burning out on Warthunder but not ready for a study level sim and AH is probably one of the best to make that transition with.