Author Topic: game doesnt recognise my ch pro throttle anymore or rudder pedals. How come>>>  (Read 514 times)

Offline speed

  • Zinc Member
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For some reason the game has quit recognizing
 my ch pro throttle and rudder pedals, any suggestions on how to fix

Offline JimmyD3

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I have CH pedals, and have had no problem with them being recognized. :headscratch:
CO Sic Puppies MWK
USAF 1971-76

Offline The Fugitive

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Dose windows see them? Type "game controllers" in the search bar next to the start button. Click on the setup game controllers and you'll see the old controllers window.

If its not there plug your controls into into a different USB port, or a powered USB hub. Never use a dead USB hub, controllers take juice.

Offline speed

  • Zinc Member
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oaky windows recognizes ch throttle and pedals , usb port powered up but game still doesnt recognize them. Anything else i can try...

Offline The Fugitive

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That is odd. If windows can "see" them then the game should see them because that is how it finds them is through windows.

Is this on a fresh download of the game? If so first is be sure to check the "map controllers" section and check if they are in the drop down menu in the top right corner. If they are select it and then try to map the axis. If you can get it going, Id do a new download and reinstall the game again. DO NOT remove the old game just install over it. After it is installed, reboot and check again.

Offline guncrasher

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if you just installed the game, sometimes you need to calibrate before they work

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