The fireman's oath is almost the same oath as those who serve in the military. The last line is
"That I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter,"
It doesn't say those that I agree to ala General Miley countermanding a President.
A General rarely leads a bayonet charge but he expects his men too.
As a Contractor on the Mojave Desert, I have put more than one bleeding man in my truck to take to hospital after supplying battlefield type first aid. Never forget one started hyperventilating and I told him to take control of his self since I was driving. To this day he is mad at me.
The oath I took when I joined, I followed, went where I was told did tasks' I was assigned didn't think much about killing other guy but had a strong opinion about dying for my country.
It goes back to taking the" Kings Shilling" you took the money you do the job