in the 80's california tried to define sex as xx/xy. they came close to it until somebody said what about the exceptions, those that are not xx/xy. what do we label them. as they would have to create another category. which went against what they believed.
if you think there's only xx/xy you are so wrong.
That's not my arguement. Do they have organs to produce a baby or not? If they do not, than they are not a woman.
That is my argument.
Well said Semp. I wonder if a society that didn't judge others and minded their own business might work?
That's all fine and dandy until they A. Tried to insert themselves in woman's activities stealing opportunities from real woman. B. Tried to force businesses to change their bathrooms. C. Put it in l of our movies. Its almost like they can't mind their own business...
Remember, we've gone from gay marriage to "children should be allowed to have sex changes" all in less than 15 years.